What I've learnt

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- There is a vote limit. You are allowed up to 100 per day. You will be able to vote again 100 times in the next 24 hours.

- There is a limit to how many people you can follow. You can only follow up to 1000 people.

- Asking for read for reads are a great way to gain comments, votes and interest in your book. 

Just watch out because in my experience, some people ask for read for reads and don't actually read your book! I've had people just vote on my books and not read a word yet say that its a great book with fab characters! How can they know that if they don't read it?!

- So don't believe everything people say. Keep working and doing what you love! :)  

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- Watch out when you edit your work!!

If you edit a paragraph or section of your work that has comments attached to it; THESE COMMENTS WILL DETACH. There is no way to get them back. The comments aren't deleted as they can be found at the bottom of the page.

Comments will detach if you break apart paragraphs, delete words or even delete one letter.  

-Copy and paste

Do any of you use word processors such as Microsoft word to write your story? I do.

I copy and paste my work from Microsoft word and into Wattpad. Watch out when you publish your work when you copy and paste because it merges words together. You will have to edit your work again and space the words apart. 

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