Michael fluff

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you kissed michael in the rain.
The sun was setting as you looked up at the sky. It's been two years since they met and you still can't believe how much has happened. He is a huge inspiration to you, he helps you grow stronger physically and mentally. You were always worried you wouldn' t be able to keep it together when he first arrived but after spending so much time with him you couldn't help yourself from falling even more for him. You remember that day like it was yesterday; The two of you sat down on your porch swing to watch the sunset.
"You know Y/N I've never seen the moon this bright before."
He turned his head and you followed suit, "It really is beautiful isn't it?"
"Yeah it is" he said smiling softly.
You leaned closer to him, "Mmm y/n could you move closer?"
With a smirk, you got off your swing and shuffled over to him. His arm wrapped around your waist pulling you against him, "I'm glad you asked" he whispered into your ear. Your face began burning at the close proximity and you didn't hesitate before wrapping your arms around his neck, bringing your lips crashing together. As soon as you did, Michael deepened the kiss and gently pushed you back onto the swing. Your heart fluttered and butterflies erupted throughout your body. This feeling had been building for a while now, ever since you started dating Michael. Ever since he took you out on a date and you felt happy, you've felt this way ever since. This was it, you thought happily, this was love.
You broke away to catch your breath and you rested your forehead against his, "Is it okay if I kiss you again?" He chuckled slightly.
"Of course" he replied. You smiled brightly and brought your lips back down to his, the kiss became passionate once again. After about 30 seconds Michael pulled away.
"Wow Y/N this feels so good." He grinned at you.
"Well it would have been better if we weren't standing in the rain... but maybe next time?" You asked.
He placed one last chaste kiss on your lips, "Next time sounds perfect."
And it would, the rest of the night consisted of making out on your front steps and holding hands. Even when the rain came pouring down, you never wanted it to end. But you knew it would come to an end, eventually. And so you slowly unwrapped your arms from his neck and stood up. You gave him another quick peck on the lips, "Goodnight Michael" you said before walking inside. He watched your retreating figure until she disappeared.
He sat back in his chair with a sigh. He was glad everything worked out with you guys. But that didn't stop the ache inside him. He missed being able to hold your hand or hold you close, just to feel your heartbeat against his chest. He sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair. This had gone far beyond what should have been between them. You shouldn't have to go through all of this because he fell in love with someone else. That was a bad choice to make. Michael sighed deeply and rubbed his face in frustration.
"Fuck..." He muttered under his breath.
He grabbed his phone from the table and sent you a text, 'I love you so much.'

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