Episode 5: Blood sheds

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~AciDicBliTzz POV~

"Ouch!" Taz squeals as an arrow hits him.
Mitch and Jerome have no arrows, right?
'pwincessly has scored a longshot of 73 blocks on LegendxTaz'

"Wow great, Kara and Brandon are here now too!" I say, sarcastically.

"We should just let them fight Merome and go in for the cleanup? Taz suggests.
"Yeah, sure." I agree.
Mitch gets knocked ahead by an arrow, not ours.
That instantly makes Mitch turn his back, but Jerome has his eyes on us.

We see a name heading up the side of the hill. We know it's on now.

~PeteZahHutt POV~

I shoot Mitch and attract his attention to us.

All of a sudden, a familiar name is going up the hill near us.

'Vikkstar123' I read out loud.
"Hm?" Kara mumbles, as she is concentrating.
"Vikk! He's going up the hill!"
I make a squeal of excitement.
"Here's the action!"

We head up the hill to meet a huge fight.
Everyone is on this hill.
Bloodbath. Whoever survives this could easily win.

BajanCanadian was slain by Vikkstar123. BajanCanadian has been eliminated from Team 4. 11 players remain.

Jerome starts to run away, but Justin shoots him and he falls off the hill.
He keeps running, dodging my arrows.
Then I start getting hit from behind.

I start repeatedly whacking him when he gets blasted forward off the hill.

Vikkstar123 was doomed to fall by AciDicBliTzz. Vikkstar123 has been eliminate from Team 2. Team 2 has been eliminated. 10 players remain.

Taz starts whacking me with a sword and Justin stays behind attempting to snipe Kara.

I try to strafe him but I'm on a hill and hit a block and get cornered.

PeteZahHutt was slain by LegendxTaz.
PeteZahHutt has been eliminated from Team 3. 9 players remain.

"DANG! I DIED! He had 7 health but he's eating a gapple now.. Well, GG! Good luck Kara!

~LegendxTaz POV~

I eat Pete's head.
"Alright, Brandon's down. Don't let her get away!" I say, with a very serious voice. I'm shaking, this always happens in UHC's I guess.
"I'm just chasing her now." Justin says in the same tone as I did.

"NONONO! Dude, run!" I shout as I see Kara smacking Justin around.

AciDicBliTzz was slain by pwincessly. AciDicBliTzz has been eliminated from Team 6. 8 players remain.

I instantly start smacking her. I have full, she has half health. This should be easy.

She lights the grass on fire and I step on it, but I place water, I only lost a heart. While I'm escaping the water, I see her eating a head. She's at 9 hearts now..

She snipes me twice, and whacks me 3 times. I hit her back 3 times, and hit her again but;

LegendxTaz was slain by pwincessly.
LegendxTaz has been eliminated from Team 6: Team 6 has been eliminated. 7 players remain.

~Kenny POV~

Well that was a huge bloodbath. Kara must be stacked now! 2 out of 7 survived that bloodbath.. woah. I start mining up. I have diamond boots and a sharpness 2 sword. All enchanted. I head up, but as I near the surface I sight more names.
'kricken' 'AshleyMariee'.

Everyone must be on the surface by now.
I start to slowly dig out, and see that Ashley has a diamond chest plate and the rest iron armor and kricken just has full iron armor. Then I notice what's happening as I see someone jump over the hole above my head.


'Compass tracking is live': TBNRFrags: 17 blocks.

He jumps over the hole above my head, too.
They're chasing Ashley and Sydney, I should go out.


I want action.
I'm getting action!
I say in my head as I chase the team ahead of us.
On the hill near us, I see Jerome standing there.

He gets sniped off.

'TBNRKenworth has scored a longshot of 67 blocks.'

Kenny is here, Kara is the only one missing, but I know she's nearby.

I pass grass lit on fire and lots of junk lying on a hill and near the bottom.

This is where it all happened, we were so close! Ugh.. if only we got there in time.

I see Ashley and Sydney turn around and run to the right.
"Huh?" Rob says confused.

Then I see her.

Kara coming over the hill on a horse with a diamond chestplate and boots. She could still win it.

AYEE, I got the first chapter out today. I'm home sick, so yeah I got to write this early. I love writing this story, and I'm thinking of writing another story when this is done, except it would be a shipped one, a proper fanfiction.
But I don't have many ideas whoops..
Anyways, as usual, leave some feedback if you have any in the comments, hope you enjoyed! o/

UHC Season 7Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora