Episode 1: It all starts here!

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10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
I clicked record. Here we go!
"Hello what's going on guys it's Preston here today with Robert Flobert for some U-H-C!" We both shout and cheer.
"So, Robert, would you like to explain what UHC is for people that don't know?" I say in my usual cheerful voice.
"Sure! For all of you that don't know yet, UHC is a survival game-mode where you do NOT regenerate naturally! To regenerate, you need golden apples!" Rob says in his usual derpy voice.
"Yes that is right sir! So, as I said this is in teams of 2 this season. And you can see all these lovely people in their teams here!" I say, as I press tab and show the future viewers the teams.
"Also, nether is disabled! So, no potions this season unfortunately, but this seasons twist is.. if your team mate is very, very low, you can donate health to them! If will take the hearts off you, and it will give your teammate health!" Rob adds on.
"Wait huh? I was not aware of this senpai!" I say in a derp voice.
"You didn't? Wow, what a fake fan!" Rob chirps in a jokingly ashamed voice.
As I chop down some wood, I notice Rob is just standing there.
"Rob! Chop down some wood or else I will slap you with a fish!" I say while laughing
" Oh no! Dunt hurt me I just want a job!" Rob says in a very childish but cute voice.
As usual, in nearly every UHC we both make a crafting table and place it instead of just making one. I craft a wooden pickaxe and head down a cave to collect stone for tools. Rob makes a sword and we decide he will go search for food et cetera. I get full stone tools and 2 furnaces for both of us.
"Robert Flobert! Get back here you silly cactus! I have stone tools" I jokingly shout and laugh.
"Okay Sir.Preston, please don't hurt me!" Rob says as he starts to fake to sob.
I give Rob the tools and he heads off into the forest to search for food as I go mining in a nearby cave.
5 minutes later of discussing our UHC plan, we decided to play in the more attacking mode this game.
Suddenly, Rob shouts,

~JeromeASF POV~
For once, Mitch and I are in a good shape. This UHC we decide to play a bit more serious than last time.
Out of nowhere, while I was chopping trees for apples, I hear something shuffling around through the trees near me. I see a name tag.
"Ummm Mitch, I thought you were underground?" I say confused
"Yeah I am, why?" Mitch replies equally as confused.
"Oh nOOO! It's a Woofless" I shout as I see the blue sweatshirt appearing from the side of the tree in front of me.

Woofless: oh hello jerome
JeromeASF: hello there
TBNRFrags: Stay away from my Robert Jerome!

-/ non chat \-

~Vikkstar's POV~
I start laughing while reading the chat.
"Hahahhaha, looks like Poofless are having a standoff with Merome!" I say while giggling. Our team are actually doing good, besides Lachlan taking a half a heart of fall damage 5 minutes in! As I pick up an apple, I see the sky turning orange.
"Lachlan, come back quick! The sun is setting, mobs will be coming!" I say in a middling serious voice, because I want to do better than the last few UHC's, and I know Lachlan sometime likes to jokes around like Mitch and Jerome. "Chill Vikk, I see your nametag!" Lachlan starts giggling.
I start to dig down, and Lachlan seals it up.
"Be careful not to walk in front of me, too. Friendly fire is enabled!" I say, and Lachlan's face in the Skype call starts giggling.
"Looks like Noah's teammate forgot that, apparently he hit Noah with a stone shovel" Lachlan says as we both start laughing.

Okay, that's it for the first part. Take in mind this is my first book, so if I make a mistake or if you have any constructive criticism please tell me in the comments! ^.^ I'll try to get another done by tonight maybe, if not it'll be out tomorrow. Anyways, o/ Hope you liked!

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