Chapter 5

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Ignacio and I were walking the town helping them when I said, "You want 6 kids?" Ignacio looked at me and said, "Well, yeah." I looked down and Ignacio saw that and said, "Are you ok?" I walked over to the bridge and sat on it and said, "What happens if I can't do that?" Ignacio grabbed my hand and said, "It doesn't matter. It's a wish and wishes don't come true all the time Mi Flora." I looked down and said, "I'm just scared. I won't be able to give Alma what she wanted with you." Ignacio smiled and said, "Abuela loves you and took you in. No matter what happens you and I will still happen." I gave him a smile then we heard footsteps and we looked to see Abuela.

Alma stood in front and said, "Amalia I nodded you to come with me." I nodded as I grabbed her arm and we walked when we bumped into Dolores. "You know girls. I'm so proud of you." We smiled while we walked. "Ignacio and Mariano are gonna be excellent partners for you 2. Ignacio has been in love with you for awhile." I blushed then Dolores used her powers and smiled but made me confused she looked at me and said, "He's talking about you to Mariano as they talk about the engagement tonight." I smiled. I went to my room to get ready when I hear form Ignacio, "He told me that the life of my dreams. Would be promise and someday be mine. He told me that my power would grow like a grape that thrives on a vine."

I went out to see Mariano walking with Alma and Dolores saying, "He told me that the man of my dream. Would be in my reach. To be my betroth." I smiled while I look at Ignacio as he was helping Alma as I said, "He told me that my husband to be. Would be just the man I need. The lover of my life." While Dolores and Amalia said, "It's like I hear them now. I can hear them now. I can hear them now." Ignacio smiling at his bride to be then saw his sister and looked at her saying, "Hey sis. I don't want a sound out of you." I went back to my room and finished the outfit I had chosen for Alma didn't want me and Dolores to show ourselves till she called for us.

I got dressed and did myself up for tonight since it was special. I heard a knock I went to it and it was Agustin. I smiled and he grabbed my arm as Felix grabbed Dolores and we walked down the stairs. Where we saw Ignacio and Mariano talking but stopped when they caught sight of their future brides. We all sat together on the same side while Agustin and Señora Guzman were talk with Alma. "The Guzmans, Rodriguez, and the Madrigals together will be so good for the Encanto."

Then Señora Guzman said, "Yes, then let's hope that tonight is not a horrible disaster." We all chuckled while Agustin said, "The Encanto will be much grander with the Marriage of Dolores, Amalia, Ignacio and Mariano." I smiled while looking at Ignacio who was looking at me. But the thing is everyone started to act strange and it made me confused and I guess Alma saw this. She signaled Ignacio to start but with me distracted about what's going on Agustin walked up behind me and I looked down. My eyes widened when I saw that ring and it was beautiful then I realized it was a combination of my padre and madra's rings. I looked at Ignacio with tears in my eyes and he said, "Amalia Rodriguez for the time I knew you. I have fallen in love for you."

"I made this ring special since they died at a young age for you. Remembering the night they died I took you in my arms remembering that I was gonna protect you at any cost. Mi Corazon, Mi Flora, Mi amor. Will you marry me and become the future Madrigal?" I smiled and said, "Si." He put the ring on my finger while Luisa grabbed the piano and he smiled at me. Then I saw something slide and I looked to see a Prophecy with Mirabel on the side my old casa on fire. My heart stopped while I looked at Mirabel who looked innocent and I stood up while Ignacio grabbed me. Then wind surrounded us while my water started to fill the room with Ignacio trying to calm me. That when Dolores said, "Mirabel found Bruno's vision, she's in it, she's gonna destroy the magic and we are all doomed."

I looked at Dolores and I said, "Why is my parents in her vision Dolores." Mirabel looked at me with tears in her eyes and I gave her a glare. "WHY ARE MY PARENTS IN THAT VISION MIRABEL!" She looked up at me and said, "Me and Roberto are the reason of why your parents are dead. We were helping clean the house and a candle fell and it lit the house on fire." My heart dropped and I dropped to the floor while Ignacio was glaring at Mirabel and I said, "You are no longer a sister or a friend of mine Mirabel Madrigal. YOU KILLED MY PARENTS! YOU KILLED THE ONES TO RAISED ME! I HATE YOU MIRABEL MADRIGAL." After that I walked out to the ashes of my home sobbing while falling asleep."

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