23. The Frog In Gradually Boiling Water

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23. Chapter Twenty Three: The Frog In Gradually Boiling Water [Not Proof Read]

dedicated to @callmedope Remember that I'm only writing out here cause of you :)


When Tinker meant- old fashioned way. She really meant it- Old Fashioned Way.

"Tinker," I say, "I think dating Carlos has made you more romantic."

The wicked glint in her eyes don't fade away when she looks back at me and winks. Carlos grunts (it's his way of a small laugh) appreciatively.

I sigh. There's no point in dissuading her from this. Or Carlos.

"Don't you worry, Riley," she grins, "this will work out."

"Dating Carlos has also made you crazy," I scoff.

Carlos grunts again, this time non-appreciatively. I roll my eyes.

"Tinker, maybe there's a better way?" I try.

She shakes her head. "Nope, there isn't."

"But, Tinker-"

"Riley, if you want this guy, you get him," Carlos interrupts. "No mind games, no ignoring. You tell your feelings. Simple and clean."


"When he said he liked you, did you tell him you liked him?"

"Tinker!" She told him?

"We're almost a married couple now," Tinker grins, "we don't keep secrets."

That's it. I want my old Tinkerbell back.

"Knowing you, you probably didn't tell him," Carlos resumes. "And with the whole New York announcement, he probably thinks you're one of those spoilt rich brats."

"Carlos!" Tinker nudges him.

"Hey, I'm driving," he tells her. "And not saying that Riley is a brat. I'm saying that Neo might think that she is one."

"It's Nate," I correct him.

"Whatever," he grunts. "Nate, Neo. Same thing."

Carlos doesn't like him. Expected.


We're here. Outside the Rivers' apartment. My heart is racing faster than ever before.

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