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Anna gasped at the large gates that greeted her, she grabbed her bag close to her chest as she descended down the carriage, the knight's straight fumbled for a second, the brunette tilted her head, his outreached hand still hovering in air, "Whatchu lookin' at punk?" 

Twinkling blue eyes narrowed at the man that lost his composure once again, "P-Punk, my lady-"

Anna's small body curled on itself, "Lady? Ma dude, I'm only eight," She took careful steps away from the man, "Who the hell even calls a kid a lady," 

Anna's immature mind decided that leaving the man behind was the best choice. "Gosh, I'm leaving if you are not leading the way,"

She took confident strides towards the gate, quizzically looking at the golden bars, "How am I supposed to enter the residence?" 

She tried to shake the bars, but it did't budge, like the brunette expected. 

"I could always climb," She shrugged, and tied dress she was forced to wear, made a knot around her waist. Anna grabbed the shoes and threw them over the wall, "Hope they disappear for good," She grumbled, they were tight and hard to move in. 

Anna stuck her tongue out in concentration, before jumping onto the bars, "Haha, this is nothing-" She shrieked when she felt someone grabbing her from behind, she thrashed in the hold of the nameless knight, "WHAT IS THE BID DEAL, LEMME GO!" A kick managed to connect with shiny helmet, "I'm sorry, my la-"


"Fine, fine I won't call you that!" The knight sighed in relief as the kid finally managed to calm down, she crossed her arms in annoyance, pouting at the tilted helmet, that was somehow hanging on his head, "Mister knight, you sure have a big head!" 


She ignored him for favor of the gate that was finally opening, she squinted at the man that was standing the opposite side, standing proud and tall. Dark locks swayed softly against the breeze, her eyes squinted at how the black hair turned bluish under the sun, but what annoyed her was the familiar crystal ocean-blue eyes, annoyance tickled her ribs, she brought her hand, cupping it around her mouth, she whispered loudly, "A-yo, Mr. Knight, whose that awfully suspicious man standing there?"

The man standing in front of her, narrowed his eyes, "Suspicious..." She could hear him say, but Anna turned to the knight that was having seizures,  "You okay, Mr. Knight?" She patted the trembling shoulder comfortingly. Anna was happy to finally be let down, but her frown came back as the mysterious man was standing in front of her. His shadow casted over her felt intimidating, but she stood her ground balling her fist, "Who might you be Mister?"

"You must be Anastasia Kriston," A deep yet silky voice came from the raven head, Anna tried on a mean glare, "I dunno about Kriston, but I am Anastasia, how'd you know my name stranger?"

Anna's steeled her nerves, trying to will away the chills that danced under her skin,  as a cold piercing voice shook her soul, "That is because I am your father," 



She thought those sickeningly blue eyes were familiar to her, it was identical to her own, she grit her teeth, a snarl leaving her mouth as the disgust seemed more obvious on the man who called himself a father, "If that ain't some bullshit!" 

"What kind of vulgar upbringing you were brought up in, that low life of a mother as expected was not a fit choice to raise a descendant of the throne,"

"Vulgar?! Your deadbeat ass was not there in my life last time I checked, so you don't get to insult mama's choices!" Her small body was trembling with rage, "Mama did her best in raising me, so don't you ever tarnish her name like that, you heard me sperm donor!"

The man composed posture went rigid, Anna took one step back, balling her hands, she was not afraid to strike the man if he dare put a finger on her. 

Those cursed crystallized eyes froze her internal organs as he promised, "I'm sure we could shape you into a decent human before shaping you into a respectable lady."

Anastasia scoffed, not liking the arrogance coming from the man, "I would like to see you do that, sperm donor."

"I dare you to address me that one more time you scornful child," 

"Sperm donor,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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