It's Not Easy Being Green

Start from the beginning

Because of Neal's sacrifice, Gold was able to tell them that the Wicked Witch was Zelena, the woman whom Mary Margaret and David had hired on as their midwife. Before they could capture her in the apartment, though, she slipped right under their fingers, escaping from their capture just as they discovered the truth.

Neal's funeral was today, and there wasn't a single person who missed this terrible, terrible event. Y/n stood beside her sister and her nephew as they watched him be laid to rest in the ground, tears streaming down their faces. Henry was standing, saddened and confused over his father's passing. He believes to have never known the man, but they all knew before Henry had loved him, and they were a true father and son as they should have been. And as they should have stayed.

Hook was the first to step forward after the coffin had set in the ground. He took the shovel in the pile of dirt beside them and tossed the dirt into the grave. Mary Margaret and David followed, gripping tightly onto each others hands as David stuck the shovel into the pile of dirt and threw the soil into the hole. Regina followed suit, and after her was Belle, who was struggling to keep her sobs at bay. Y/n took it next and took a deep breath as she dug the shovel into the earth, lifting it up out of the pile and dropping it over Neal's coffin as a tear fell from her eye. Emma nodded to Henry, who came forward and tossed the earth over his father's grave. Emma gripped onto her swan keychain necklace that Neal had given her all those years ago, before tossing her own pile of dirt into his grave.

After the funeral, Granny's hosted everyone as they ate and mourned at her diner. Emma was by the dart board, angrily shooting darts into the bullseye of the rounded board on the wall. Y/n had her glass of whiskey in her hand, sipping it carefully as Emma grabbed the darts from the board and made her way back to her original standing point before throwing the darts back once more. Every time, she hit bullseye. Y/n winced a little at Emma's extremely upset face.

"Perhaps I should paint a bullseye on the Wicker Witch's back," Hook said from beside Y/n, making both sisters look at him.

"She'll get more than a dart when I find her," Emma growled, and threw yet another dart, this one, too, hitting the scarlet dot of the bullseye.

Y/n glanced at Hook, who gave a slightly downtrodden face as he looked between the sisters. Y/n knew that Neal had meant a great deal to Hook as well as he had Emma, the pirate having known him when he was just a young boy. The pain of his loss had to have struck his heart in a way he hated outwardly showing towards others, but she knew it was there. "Emma," Y/n said as she set her whiskey on the table and walked over to her furious sister, "you know there are better ways to grieve Neal than anger. Don't let it overcome you."

"Better ways? Like what?" Emma asked with a sarcastic grin etched upon her face.

Y/n let out a sigh and said, "Talking with the people who love you. With the people who loved Neal."

Emma slightly rolled her eyes at her sister and said, "I'll stick with anger. At least until I deal with Zelena."

Hook stepped forward this time, eyes serious as he said, "Take it from me. Vengeance isn't the thing that's going to make you feel better."

"It's gonna make this town safer," Emma bit back at the pirate, looking between her sister and him. "I promised Henry I'd find the person responsible for his father's death." She took a slight gaze back at Henry, who was sitting alone in a booth and gave them an awkward grin. "It's really all I can do for him right now."

"That can't be true. Have you tried talking to the boy?" Hook questioned her, their voices all extremely low so Henry doesn't overhear them.

"As far as he is concerned, I haven't seen Neal since he left me in jail. So anything I'd tell him about his dad being a hero sounds like I'm making that up just to get him to feel better," Emma said with a slight unhappy shrug, making Hook and Y/n share a glance.

Only Be Dark: OUAT/Killian JonesWhere stories live. Discover now