'Great she finally left' Cypher thought to herself. "Hey, Cypher. Wanna have dinner at my house?" Marty called out to her attention. "Sure. I don't see why not." He put down his long board and Echo was about to take out hers that he got her for her birthday when Marty stopped her. "I want you to try to ride with me." She climbed onto the board with him hugging onto his waist and his shirt and they took off. She felt the wind that rushed and jostled her hair as they past shops and houses until they reached his street. They arrived at his house a rode into the drive way when a tow truck backed into the drive way carrying a banged up car behind it.

They both shared a look of confusion as they tried to get a better look. And as it turned out to be Marty's family car "Perfect! Just perfect." He groaned out in frustration and gripped his hair hard. They heard a male voice yelling inside and when they stepped in it was no other than Biff. Americans biggest asshole and dirtbag wrapped up with shoddy spray tans and ugly suits. "I can't believe you loan me your car without telling me it had a blind spot. I could've been killed." He yelled at Marty's poor sheepish dad. "Now-now Biff, I never noticed that the car had any blind spot before I would drive in it. Hi, son and hello ms. Brown." He stammered until he saw the two teens that just walked in on the whole ordeal.

"Are you blind McFly?! It's there. How else do you explain that wreck out there." He pointed to the wreck. "Now, Biff, can I-- can I assume that your, uh, insurance is going to pay for the damages" Mr McFly asked. "My insurance? It's your car. Your insurance should pay for it. I wanna know who's gonna pay for this?" He pointed to his jacket. "I spilled beer when I was smashed into. Who's gonna pay for my cleaning bill?" Mr. McFly stammered nervously and Biff started again. "-And where are my reports?" Biff questioned. "I haven't finished those up yet, but I figured they weren't due till-" Biff dragged him by his tie and knocked on his head harshly with his knuckle. "Hello? Hello?! Anybody home? Huh" He mocked and McFly let out a fake and forced laugh. "Think McFly. Think! I gotta have time to get them retyped." 'Is this grown ass man having a college type his work for him like they would in high school' Cypher thought to her self.

" Do you realize what would happen if I hand in my reports in your handwriting. I'll get fired! You would want that to happen, would ya." McFly hesitated to answer and Biff grabbed him by his tie again. "Would ya?!" "Of course no, Biff. I wouldn't want that to happen. Now, look. I'll finish up those reports tonight, and I'll run 'em on over first thing tomorrow." McFly offered. "Not too early. I sleep in Saturday. McFly, your shoe's untied." Biff point and when McFly went to look he swooped him and Mr. McFly let out another fake laugh. "Don't be so gullible McFly. Got the place fixed up all nice." He said as he wandered into the kitchen and into the fridge looking for beer.

"I have your car towed all the way to your house and all you got for me is a light beer?" Biff scoffed. He went back into the front room finally noticing the two teens that were there the whole. "What you you lookin' at butthead?" aHe shot at Marty and looked at Cypher. "aw shanty madam. McFly why didn't you say you were bringing your hot friend. Say hi to your mom for me." He said as he kissed Cypher hand. She looked away disgusted and after he left she wiped her hand on her pant leg.'Gross. Pedo.' she thought to herself. Mr. McFly turned to them. "I'm terribly sorry Ms. Cypher and I know what you're gonna say son. And you're right. You're right. But,uh, Biff just happens to be my supervisor and I''m afraid I'm just not very good at confrontations." he sighed and leaned on the wall.

"But the car dad. I mean he wrecked it. He totaled it! I needed that car for tomorrow dad. This was going to be very important to me? Do you have any clue?" Marty probed his dad. "Take it easy on your dad Marty. Its not entirely his fault." Cypher told. "I know, and all I can say is I'm--I'm sorry." Mr. McFly said sincerely.

A few seconds later Mrs. McFly walked in to seee what the commotion was about and saw the three. "Oh Cypher dear! You didn't know you were coming over." She voiced. "I didn't either." Cypher smiled. " I'll make you a plate of dinner." She offered and led them to the kitchen.


"Believe me, Marty. You're better off without having to worry about all the aggravation and headaches of playing at that dance." Mr. McFly voiced as he poured a bowl of what looked like peanut brittle. "He's absolutely right. The last thing you need is headaches." His brother piped in and teased. They started watching tv again and laughed. His mother walked in from the kitchen carrying a cake in one hand and a glass in the other. "Kids, we're gonna have to eat this cake by ourselves. Your uncle Joey didn't make parole again." she complained and tossed the cake on the table. "-It would be nice if you all dropped him a line." "Uncle jailbird Joey? He's your brother mom." His brother whined. "Yeah. It's a major embarrassment having an uncle in prison." Marty's sister chimed. His brother check the time and rushed out the door not before giving his mum and dad a kiss.

"Hey Marty. I'm not your answering service but while you were outside pouting over the car Jennifer Parker called twice asking when you were coming over to her house." his sister mentioned. "Well tell her I'm not goin'!" Marty spat. "Again, not your answering machine." "I don't like her. Any girl who calls up a boy is just asking for trouble" His mother spouted. "Oh, Mother there's nothing wrong with calling a boy." His sister replied. "I think it's horrible. Girls chasing boys. Why don't you call her more? Why do you hang out with Cypher so much? A girl shouldn't be getting her hands dirt or care for science as much as her. They should spend more time caring for their appearance or working indoors."


" Beside I know why you wanted to take the car out was to go camping with her. I know alot more than you think and I have to say I'm disappointed. When I was her age, I never chased a boy or called a boy or sat in a parked car with a boy and not never spend nearly as much time caring about science." I trailed on and on like Cypher was invisible and ignoring Martys warning. Marty was feeling terrible for letting his mother rant on and on about what Cypher was doing wrong. When he looked over to her she had her head down and fiddled with her finger tips. "How am I ever suppose to meet anybody?" "Well it will just happen like how I met your father." "That's so stupid! Grampa hit him with a car." They carried on and on about how they met and how they went to they enchantment under the sea dance the night where lightning hit the bell.

"I think its time for me to go" Cypher said suddenly standing up. "Are you sure you don't want to stay?" Marty asked a bit worried because he knew his mother had made her uncomfortable and probably messed up any chances he had with her. "I'll be fine. I'll see you later." She replied before waving goodbye and taking off into the night.


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