Threats Comes To Life

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Chapter No 3
Threats Comes To Life

Dad took Rose to the guest room, the house was silent, we could hear Rose dry sobs.
Violet and I sat beside each other. I was sneaking glances towards her hoping she would cheer me up, I just wanted a little reassurance and comfort. Violet was staring at the wall in front of her, her gaze was so intense, that it actually gave me creeps.

Dad entered the room after a while, his face was a deep red, his face thunderous.

"Dad-" I started, but, dad raised his hand.

"What were you thinking Ivory?" Dad bellowed. I wasn't able to answer him, my head just fell.

"Are you that immature? That disrespectful? Have I taught you nothing?" Dad started, " you didn't even think about my reputation? I never thought that you would be harming people in such an extreme way,"

I looked up to his face that was full of anger, hurt, and there seemed to be sadness in them too.

"I am sorry dad," I whispered.

"Do not say sorry to me, apologise to Rose."

I found myself nodding. I felt so guilty for making dad so mad at me.

"You didn't greet her, told the servants that they were to ignore her, she had to stand half an hour outside, and you even tried to set her dress on fire!" Dad continued.

My mouth hung open, I could feel my blood starting to boil, we might have played pranks on her, but, she just stretched the lies so tall.

"Dad we didn't do that," I exclaimed. Dad stood there silently for a moment, his face getting more red. Next thing I know, my dad slapped me so hard that I fell on the ground.

"Shame on you Ivory! Trying to defend now, you have quite the nerve!"

I was stunned, I heard my dad storm outside. I fought back the sob that was threatening to come out. I cried when I felt my hand being crushed. I looked up to see Violet, her foot rising again and crushing my hand with all the pressure. I screamed.

Now I was crying.

"Violet why?" I sobbed.

"Serves you right. You wave all your money in front of my face, you think you are so much better than me, but, guess what? I am great even without you!" She screeched then turned on her heel and headed out.

I got up, my legs were shaking, I dragged my feet to my room, Violet's actions didn't seem to make any sense, I collapsed on my bed, crying my eyes out.

Dad had never hit me in his entire life, Violet betrayed me.

I heard the door open and shut loudly, my side was shoved roughly, I got up to see Rose smiling maliciously at me. She went and sat down at my computer chair, crossing her leg, she was in a short knee length tight black dress. I rubbed my eyes, wiping off the tears on my face.

"Nice play kid, but, I am the star here," she said. I glared at her.

"What do you want?" I spat.

"Fame, money, everything your dad has, and soon you wouldn't," she said

"You're never going to fool my father," I sneered. Rose laughed.

"Oh sweetie, I already have, your little pranks just got me into a more secure zone with your dad, I have grown up eating more fire than what you tried to give to make me leave, and guess what? You are trying to stop me from using your dad? You were being used for so long, did you know Violet is my cousin, and now no longer your friend, cause you're no longer a use to her, or to anyone else, you don't have the power to stop me, and don't you even dare try to," and with that she got up to leave. She was about to shut the door when she came in again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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