The Warm Welcome

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Here is the second chapter. I hope you all like it ;-)

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Chapter 2

Warm Welcome

Violet and I parted. Violet headed for the set up of the prank, and I had to get dressed by our stylist. Dad always picked my dresses. Never in my life I had to go and shop for even a single sock.

Today's dress was a deep navy, sleeveless one.

My stylist curled my hair, applying a natural look make-up on my face.

Once I was ready, I headed downstairs. Dad was standing at the foot of the stairs, on the phone.

My dad's hair had gotten white, but, his deep set blue eyes still twinkle with life. He might have reached his forties, but, was still so adorable looking.

As I came near him, he gave me a one arm hug. I stood beside him waiting for his call to end. I just stood there tapping my toes, wobbling purposely on my heels for while, trying to see if Violet was around somewhere.

Dad finally put his phone in his pocket and turned towards me, I straightened my shoulders, putting up a charming smile.

"You look beautiful my dear," Dad beamed, I giggled in return.

"Now, I don't want any funny business as there seemed to be every time, or else there would be serious consequences," Dad warned, his face so serious, that fear crept into me. I shook my head, trying my best not to raise him any suspicions.

"Not a single thing has to be worried about Dad, everything is being taken care of," I assured, grinning at how true those words were; oh we were going to take care of little Miss. Rose.

Dad gave a slight nod, he looked doubtful. And giving me a corner eyed look he said.

"I would be leaving now, and I would be back at 6, take care of yourself dear and give a warm welcome to Rose. She would be here by 2:00 pm. She is quite punctual," Dad instructed, kissing my forehead, he picked up his brief case.

"Good bye dear," dad waved and left.

It was 1:30 when Violet entered my room.

" Is everything ready?" I asked.

" Yupe, when is your dad coming?" Violet asked.

" He said he will be here by 6. Why?"

"Good, because I don't want your dad to know about this." Violet said. I shuffled my feet, rubbing my ear. That's what I always did when I was unsure or nervous, right now I was both.

"It's going to go fine Ivi, you don't have to worry about it," Violet reassured me, patting my shoulder. I nodded stiffly, giving her a small smile which she returned wholeheartedly.

The door bell rang.

"It must be her now, go go go. Everyone in their positions," Violet whispered. I giggled. She gave me a hi-five and headed out,

I walked to the door and take a deep breath.

"Let's do this" I said to myself. I gave a nod to the servant who opened the door.

There standing at the door was a tall blonde woman, her expressions were sharp, her deep green eyes sparkling, she wore a full sleeved strapless dress that reached her feet.

The servants gave her a short bow, that made her smile wider.

She give me a look from head to toe, analysing me critically, and gave me a fake smile.

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