Bonus: "Waiting for the right person" Pt. 2

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Dylan had already left by the time Kaitlyn got the text message from Emma that she had arrived. Mrs. Lenivy was in the living room watching some true crime show with Mittens on her lap when Kaitlyn said goodbye to them both.

"Hey Em." Kaitlyn greeted the other girl once she came outside. Emma had gotten out of the car and was leaning on it as she waited for her. "Abi on a date?"

Emma nodded. "Yeah, Nick is taking her to his brother's wedding." Emma eyed the Lenivy house. "Dylan going out with Ryan?"

"Yup. They went to go see a movie." Kaitlyn responded awkwardly. Everyone was used to her being by Dylan's side all the time, she didn't realize how it did feel different that he was hanging out with his boyfriend and not her.

Now she wasn't jealous of Ryan, but she was starting to see why it did feel a little weird when your friend was in a relationship and you weren't. Kaitlyn wasn't going to hook up with the first person she saw, but she could admit it was different.

She guessed it might be the same for Emma, but she has been in a relationship. Kaitlyn figured what she had with Jacob began and ended quick, so she believed that to be a fling, but she always had the impression Emma had past relationships before. Who would pass up on being able to date Emma?

Emma cleared her throat, sensing the small tension in the air. "Let's cut to the chase. It's weird not being by the person we're with all the time, but we're friends no matter what. I guess you can say Rylan brought us closer."

"That's a real cute ship name." Kaitlyn didn't even remember who had started saying it but then everyone did, and it just felt right. "But you have a point. This is good for us."

"Exactly!" Emma said cheerfully.

"So, what do you wanna do?" Kaitlyn asked. She knew Emma said they'd figure it out together.

Emma hummed in deep thought. "Well, what do you like to do for fun?"

Make sure Dylan or Jacob don't get themselves killed would have been at the top of her list, but those were a no-go right now. "Anything that seems fun. And that doesn't include listening to opera for over than hour." She could never forget being lassoed into such an event by her aunt two years ago. 

"No opera. Got it." Emma gave her a thumbs up. "How about shopping? That's always fun."

"Sure." Kaitlyn stepped into the passenger seat while Emma headed over to the driver's seat. "Too bad we can't go to the lake."

Emma paused. "Why can't we?"

"It's dark, Em. I don't know if it'd be smart." Swimming was always fun. Kaitlyn hadn't gone in some time, but she wasn't sure going at this time was ideal.

"We have our cellphones." Emma picked up hers as if that was convincing enough.

"I don't have a swimsuit."

"We can buy some. Going shopping, aren't we?" Emma grinned. She set her phone down and started the car. "Besides, a swim sounds fun."

"Shouldn't we be worried we'll come across some serial killer? I'd hate to die tonight." Kaitlyn felt like she should let someone know where would be just in case. Emma had no problem about it. She wasn't secretly trying to kill her, was she?

Emma shrugged. "It'd make an awesome video though, wouldn't it?"

"Oh yes, my life is worth sacrificing because you want to entice your followers." Kaitlyn shook her head in disbelief.

"See! Now you're getting it." Emma said, turning her head to give Kaitlyn a small wink. 

"Focus on the road, please. As much as I don't like this going to the lake at night idea, I don't want to be killed in a car accident." Kaitlyn had never been in the same car as Emma, so she was hoping the other girl was a good driver.

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