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"How's the matchmaking going?" Kaitlyn snapped her head up when she saw Jacob hovering over her with a football clutched in his hands.

Kaitlyn remembered Abigail telling her that she had let Jacob and Nick also in on her plan. She did not mind them knowing. Both guys were kind enough to go seek out more answers before trying to approach Ryan.

"I'm still trying to collect necessary data." Kaitlyn answered.

Ryan was not straight which meant he could be bisexual or gay - either way, it meant he was into guys. Then there was also the fact that he was single too.

Now, did Ryan like Dylan?

Ryan had not given too much to Abigail when he mentioned he knew Dylan stared at him too. There could always be another reason Ryan was staring at Dylan.

Kaitlyn just needed accurate answers.

"I don't know why you don't just go up to the guy and say, 'Hey Dylan thinks you're hot, what do you think about him?' I think that could work." Kaitlyn rolled her eyes. It was no surprise that such an inane plan could be hatched from Jacob's brain.

"That wouldn't work, Jacob. I want to give Dylan a winning chance. Sure, it took some different methods, but I don't want him to face anymore rejection." Kaitlyn explained, jotting down more things in her journal. She kept it with her always, so no one was going to get a peek at what was inside.

"It's sweet that you're being such a good friend." Jacob remarked, taking the seat right next to her. "But what then? What's supposed to happen once you've collected all your data?"

Kaitlyn looked up from her journal, setting her pencil down. "I tell Dylan he has a chance with Ryan. I'm still on the fence on whether or not I should let him know what I've been doing, but I'd tell him to go for it. To make his move."

"And will he?"

"Maybe if he knew he had a shot with Ryan. I think that's what's holding him back from seizing the moment. All he can think about is the thousands of times he's been rejected by guys." Kaitlyn placed her pencil in her pencil pouch and her journal in her backpack.

"And if he's rejected again this time too?" Jacob wondered aloud.

Kaitlyn exhaled. "Then. . . Ryan isn't the one for him. But I want Dylan to go in with some information that'll make his chances better."

"Is there anything I can do to assist?" Jacob offered.

"Nah, you'll probably make things worst." Kaitlyn teased.

Jacob pouted at his childhood friend. "You're mean." He was not giving up so easily. "Come on, Kaitlyn, I can be a big help to your little matchmaking business."

"It's not a business, Jake." Kaitlyn would not dare make this into her thing. "This is a one-time service, and it's not like I'm actually matchmaking them. I'm just collecting helpful information for Dylan."

And with that, the conversation was over. Too bad Kaitlyn did not see the mischievous glint in her childhood friend's eyes.

◇ ◇ ◇

Kaitlyn did not want him getting involved. Part of him warned him to listen to her, but then there was a bigger part of himself arguing with what Kaitlyn said. Abigail had helped out. Why could he not do the same?

Jacob had an experience with romance. He could so help Dylan with his!

"Hey man." Jacob was changing out of his clothes in the locker room right next to Nick. There were other boys getting undressed or hitting the showers, but Jacob had a plan. "I think we should help Kaitlyn out a bit."

Kaitlyn Ka the Matchmaker | Rylan |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora