i want to see you again

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vinnie🫀: heyy
luna🤰🏻: heyy
vinnie🫀: r u free rn?
luna🤰🏻: we just saw each other yesterday
vinnie🫀: u don't want to c me anymore?☹️
luna🤰🏻: i didn't mean it like that
vinnie🫀: i'm lonely i get it
luna🤰🏻: yeah... very
vinnie🫀: want to spend the day together
luna🤰🏻: YES OMW
vinnie🫀: oh... wow that was easier than i thought

vinnie🫀 has shared location with you

i quickly got out of bed and went to get ready

39 minutes later...

i finally finished getting ready and i ran to my car.

15 minutes later...

vinnie: you took forever
luna: sorry

he hugged me and pulled me into a kiss

luna: is that how you greet all the woman that walk through this door?
vinnie: just you

vinnie: let's go to the beach
luna: you already want to see me naked?
vinnie: i love the beach
luna: i came prepared can i borrow a towel though
vinnie: of course

30 minutes later...

we got to the beach and we found a nice spot

we sat on the beach pad vinnie placed on the sand

i took off my top and bottoms.

luna: can you put sunscreen on my back
vinnie: yeah
luna: thank you

i turned to his direction and gave him a kiss

vinnie: luna we can do this in public
luna: do you not want to be seen kissing me? is there something wrong with me?
vinnie: no it's not that, my fandom is crazy, what i mean by crazy is that they'll mentally crush you down
luna: vinnie i think i could handle it i've reserved so much hate from toxic fans but if it doesn't make you comfortable i respect that
vinnie: thank you for understanding
luna: of course

vinnie: i'm hungry
luna: should've ate before coming
vinnie: i wasn't hungry, imma order pizza
luna: to the beach?!
vinnie: yeah why not i'm hungry
luna: omg

vinnie placed a order

31 minutes later...

the pizza arrived and we ate

1 hour later...

we got bored and went to his house ( sway )

we were in his room there was no body home.

vinnie: i'm bored, want to make out?
luna: sure
( LOL )

i got on top of him and leaned into a his face. His cold tattooed arms wrapped around my waist. It then started turning into something else. He started lifting my top up and undoing my bottoms and he took off his t-shirt and pants. He then laid back down and placed me on top of him again. I feel like he wanted me to take control so i did what had to be done. I started leaving trail marks of hickeys on his stomach i than stopped once i got to  his man area. I looked up at him and he knotted his head. He sat up for it to be easier, he made sure to be easy and gentle with me. I grabbed it and slide it in my mouth it felt weird at first but after i got comfortable with it. he gently healed my head and kept pushing it back and forth, he started groaning which was so fucking hot. " i'm going to come " i looked at him and knotted, he released into my mouth and i swallowed it now you know how down bad i am for this man. after that i was so over it. ( I AM SO SORRY)

vinnie: wow you're good
luna: oh

i looked away trying to not really talk about what happened

vinnie: are you okay?
luna: yeah totally
vinnie: no you aren't, what's wrong?
luna: nothing
vinnie: luna you can talk to me about anything, please trust me
luna: okay, this is the first time i did something likes this without being forced to
vinnie: what do you mean?
luna: in my pass relationships i was always forced to have sex with them and i never liked that because they never cared about how i feel
vinnie: i am so sorry

vinnie pulled me on top on him our bare skin touching. I laid down on him face to face, he slowly rubbed my back in circle motions and i eventually fell asleep.

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