Chapter 5

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*beep beep beep

It's finally Saturday! I know I'm 23 but Saturdays are still the highlight of my week.

I walk into the kitchen and turn on the stove. "Good morning, Anna-banana." Marcy walked out of the hallway with a blanket draped on her shoulders. "Good morning Mars!" I say cracking an egg into the pan.

"You actually buy pajamas." Marcy said clearly judging me. "I just sleep in my comfiest shirt and shorts." "Hey I like my fluffy pants and tank top, thank you very much!" I said seasoning the egg. "You do that." She chuckled.

A while had passed and I figured I should tell Marcy about inviting my parents over for dinner. "Hey Mars?" "Yea?" "I thought about inviting my parents over for dinner." "Oh that'd be nice I'd love to meet your parents!" I didn't expect Marcy to be so eager.

-after breakfast

Would you like to come over for dinner?

Oh that'd be lovely!
Me and your father will be there around 5.

I put down my phone and walk into the living room. Marcy is sitting on the couch stroking Frog. "I see Frog has taken a liking to you." I say sitting down next to her. When I sat down it felt like Marcy jumped a bit.

"My parents will be here at 5." "Do I have to look fancy?" Her response makes me laugh. "No not at all!" I giggle. Marcy giggles with me.

Her giggle never seemed to affect me this way. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Her face looks so pretty. Well it was always pretty it's just different now. What's this feeling?

"I'm uh.. gonna go brush my hair!" I actually didn't brush it yet so this wasn't a lie. I quickly shuffle to the bathroom. "Tell me if your hair eats the brush!" Marcy yells as I shut the door.

"Anne Savista Boonchuy. We will sit in here until you figure out these feelings." I grab the brush and start to brush my hair.

"What if you like her?" "Well of course I like her! We are like best friends now." "No, what if you like like her?" "You have a point inner me. She's just so pretty and funny and like... super talented!" "You definitely like like her."

I snap back to reality when I realize half this time I wasn't even brushing my hair. "Oh my goodness, did I just argue with how gay I am with myself. Wait.. WHERES MY BRUSH!?"

I quickly dig through my mess of a hair to find the brush. Giving up I walk over to Marcy who's still on the couch. "It ate my brush and I can't get it out." "Oh Anna-banana. Come here I'll get it out."

I sit down in-front of Marcy while she softly digs through my hair. As she digs through my hair the feeling comes back.

"I found a broken hair tie." Marcy says dangling it in-front of my face. "So that's where it went!" I giggled as I took it from her.

"Oh I found the brush! Do you mind if I.. brushed your hair since we are already here?" The question startled me. "Sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable!" She quickly apologized. "Oh no I don't mind! Go right ahead." I responded.

Marcy silently brushed my hair. I wanted the moment to never end. "And done." Marcy said putting my bangs behind my ears. The way her hands felt against my face made me heat up. "Thanks Marcy. We should do this more often." I said getting up and staring into her beautiful brown eyes.

"Yeah, I'd love that."

The girl on the train / Marcanne / annexmarcyWhere stories live. Discover now