Chapter 4

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*Beep beep beep
I turn off my alarm and check the date, Friday. Fridays are cool, they're a reminder for the weekend! I make my way to the bathroom and stare into the mirror. "Alright I wanna leave my hair down today so you better not cause any problems."

After some brushing my hair decided to eat the brush. "No not again!" I screech while digging through my hair.

"Awh you talk to yourself in the mornings?" Marcy said leaning against the doorframe. "My hair ate my brush." I state blankly while pointing to where I lost the brush.

"PFF, lemme help you." Marcy said walking up to me and digging through my hair. "Here we are!" She giggled handing me the brush. "Thanks Mars." I sigh.

"Don't think I forgot about you!" I say staring at my hair in the mirror. "You really are something Anna-banana." Marcy giggled. "That's a good nickname!" I say while brushing my hair.

-on the train

Me and Marcy were talking on the train when we got to the topic of drawings. "I saw some of your drawings on Instagram!" I mention. "Oh you did?" She said pulling out her sketchbook. "Yeah your super good!" "Awh thanks Anna-banana!"

She then flipped through some pages and then she made it to the one of me. "Wow Marce this is super good!" It was a very detailed drawing of me on the train. "Heh thanks, I'm really proud of this one." Marcy looked like she was slightly blushing when she looked at it.

-after Anne's shift

I walked to the coffee shop that Marcy worked at. It's a bummer my old favorite coffee shop closed down. At least now I can go see Marcy!

While I'm waiting for my order I'm talking with Marcy. "Ok so when will you be home by?" I ask. "Probably around 5." She responds. "I think I'm gonna quit this job though. After my first job I'll probably just hang out at the aquarium until you get off." "That would work!" I say.

"Order for Anne!" A worker yells. "Oh see you at home Mars! And have a nice day!" I say while walking out the door.


I turn off the stove and put the Pad Thai into 2 bowls. "Done!" I then brought them to the table and went to go wash my hands.

Marcy walked in through the front door as I was walking to the table. "Perfect time Mar-Mar! I made Pad Thai!" I sit down at the table. "Ooo I always ordered Pad Thai when I went to Thai Go!"

"Wait! Did you just say Thai Go?" I say clearly surprised. "Yeah I used to go all the time before I lost all my money to a stupid hospital bill."

"Did you know my parents own and founded the business?" I say trying to impress Marcy. "Wait what! That's so cool!" She squealed.

We talked for hours, yet it felt like seconds. When we went to our own rooms to sleep I couldn't stop thinking. I kept thinking of my parents and Marcy. It's been awhile since I've seen them.

Maybe I'll invite them over.

The girl on the train / Marcanne / annexmarcyWhere stories live. Discover now