They all had to stop and take pictures in front of the Miss Piggy fountain. Lisa mimicked Piggy's Lady Liberty pose while Jennie made a funny face and bunny ears with her fingers behind Lisa's head (years later, Lisa would say this was her favorite picture of them).

During the pre-show Jiyong lifted Lisa up onto his shoulders so she could see the overhead monitors better. Jennie, not to be outdone, tugged at Marco until he lifted her onto his shoulders. Lisa looked away from giggling at the pre-show monitors to giggle at Jennie. Jennie couldn't help but giggle with her when Rizzo pretended to be Mickey Mouse.

Once seated, Dara surreptitiously managed to sneak a few photos of Lisa and Jiyong with 3D glasses on poking at each others faces. True to his word he sat next to Lisa and they giggled and guffawed the whole time. Lisa pointed excitedly at Statler and Waldorf whenever they spoke and moved and practically shrieked when they got sprayed by Fozzie's squirting flower. Jennie only

half watched the movie, being too distracted by Lisa's giggles. Even stoic Jisoo had a good time, Jennie heard her laugh twice. Somehow in the rush to get seated and get glasses on, Jennie ended up seated between Jisoo and Marco, with Lisa on the other side of Jisoo.

From the Muppet theater they went to the stunt show and then on the backlot tour. As the tram pulled back to the loading area Lisa announced, "Jennie's hungry."

"Is that so, little Muppet?" Jiyong said.

"Yep," Lisa nodded for extra emphasis. Jennie nodded along with her. "How do you know?" Chitthip asked out of curiosity.

Lisa just shrugged.

"I was promised an ice cream sundae," Jennie announced remembering the morning.

The girls held hands all through lunch and shared a brownie sundae at the end. Afterwards they caught another stunt show before going on the Great Movie Ride. The queue took forever and the girls had begun to plan out the next day. "I want to go back on Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, and Splash Mountain," Jennie told Lisa.

"I want to pull the sword from the stone, too," Lisa said.

"Maybe we can do it together." They chattered on like that for awhile.

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