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*new chapter*

-Y/n's Pov-

It has been hours since i went on this "joy ride" with jordan and to be honest i dont like it and i just want to be back home with my family

We pulled up to this place and he made me get out and his driver swerved off

J: dont be scared

Y: *roll eyes*

One of his men pushed me and i stopped and i turned around

Y: dont fucking touch me bastard

J: *laughs*

His guard opened the door and Jordan has every drugs you can think of packed up and people packing it up...then he has money stacked up and people counting it

We walked thru this other room and i seen Tommie, Tayler, and Payton

Y: *gasp* omg!!!

J: *laughs*

Y: Jordan pls let them go pls

J: *laughs* now look whos begging

Y: you dont have to do this

J: oh but i do..Y/n

They all started to wake up and the last time i seen them was when my dad died because i chose to live with anthony and didnt let me see them anymore

I can't believe this is happening they are bruised up badly with blood running and they have their feet and hands tied up standing up

Y: let.them.go

J: you want to get feisty with me when i have your friends-so called friends on the verge of dying

Y: just...*cries* let them go

T: *mumbles* Yn?...Y/n!!

They all struggled to get out once they seen me

Y: how long have they been in here

I say letting a another tear fall and i turned to him

Y: just let them go...they don't deserve this

J: whats in it for me

Y: me

J: *tsk* that might work but since you did fuck with my business...i just camt let all go so...pick one

Y: what?

J: you heard me

He got close up to me looking down at me

J: pick one

They all started making noises and i was so scared i didnt know what to do and i loved all of them payton was like a brother to me, Tayler started off my best friend turned into my lover but i ended it because i wanted Anthony my old fling and...Tommie she is my sister my ride or die and i cant do this to her

J: tick tock..i unfortunately dont have all fucking day!

Y: im so sorry guys i didnt mean to put you through all of this

J: 3....2....*gun clicks*


J: good girl...

*bang* *bang*

Their body's dropped to the floor and tommie started to cry and i cried not wanted to do that

He came up to me again and lifted my head up and another tear fell from my eyes and he wiped it

J: dont cry...you can cry later...

I snatched my face from him and he smirked

J: take ms.tommie away

Y: wait! Where are you taking her

J: to someone who is in need of a sex slut

Y: can you at least tell me who he is

J: his name is Jacob...Now you are coming with me

He took me on his back and i watched as tommie get thrown in a back seat and i squirmed around in his grip and thats when i hit my head on something hard and the last thing i seen was darkness

-Anthony's Pov-

I dont know who this is thats trying to fuck with me but im not the one  to be played with

What yn dont know is that when i am out i had me another gang doing shit for me i didnt let that side go she did because i told her to but not me i got stronger

I took baby laila with my dad and made sure she is safe and i went on to my warehouse


I get there and I see Ace, Kristen, Bryce P, Jackson, and Eddie

A: good yall are here

Ace: tbh with you we never left after last night

A: um...okay...anyways ima need you to track this phone Jackson

Jackson: bet

He took the phone and went on his computer

Kris: whats going on?

A: someone took my girl

Eddie: who would want to take her

A: idk

Eddie: do you have any enemies or did she?

A: not that i know

Eddie: when was the last time she was on a mission?

A: 2 years ago

Eddie: did she have to take something or kill anyone

A: i told her that was her last mission...she had to kill some mafia leaders who stole from her and her dad

Eddie: you still breathing?

A: i fuck to good to die

Eddie: well from what you have told me and the information that i see on my screen she killed two not all three

A: what?

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