The Rule Of Time

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"Who are you?" Lily asked the man in a white robe.

"I am the guardian of time, and you are here because you violated the rule of time, you tried to go back in the past"

Lily looked around her, she wasn't back in her basement, nor her house, heck this place doesn't even look real. It was a neverending sea of white wherever Lily turned. It was devoid of any object, sound, and other human besides them, but Lily doubts if the man in white robe is even human.

He certainly looks like a human male in his forties but his presence is nothing human. It felt like he came from another world and was just disguising himself as a human.

"Lily, right?" The man asked her and Lily turned back to him.

"How did you know my name?" Lily felt a little terrified the more this being talks to her.

The man smiled at her confused question.

"I know a lot more things than you will ever know"

Lily frowned and looked around again, there really was nothing in this white space, no entrance, no exit, not even a single dust.

"Where am I? Why am I here?" Lily started feeling a bit of panic upon realizing that this is very much real and not a figment of her imagination.

"I told you, you are here because you broke the rule of time by trying to go back to the past" The man answered serenely.

"So what, are you the god of time?" Lily asked indignantly.

"I am not the god time, I am merely it's guardian, and as the guardian of time it is my duty to punish those who break the rules"

"But I didn't even manage to go back in time when you kidnapped and brought me here!"

"Had I let you step through your time machine you would've already arrived to the past as we speak"

Lily glared at the man before her with all the hate she could muster for ruining her plans just when everything was already perfect and going accordingly to her plan.

"Why can't you just let me go back for a little while, it won't even affect you"

The man sighed like he had heard this same phrase for a million times.

"Lily, the one who will be most affected by you going back to the past and changing things is yourself"

"I just wanted to see him one last time" Lily begged but the man shook his head.

"Once you see him alive again are you sure you wouldn't try to save him?" Lily went quiet but the man already knew that Lily would try to save her husband from that incident 2 years ago.

It was a perfect day for a picnic in the park. The sun was out and the clouds were few and far between.

Lily was packing some stuff and her husband Dean was cooking for their picnic.

A 'ting' was heard and Dean went to the oven and got the cake. The icings were already laid out on the table and all he had to do was decorate the cake. He looked around and spotted Lily engrossed in packing on the couch.

"Lily, can you come here for a second?"

Lily looked up and smiled at Dean as she walked over to him.

"What is it?"

"Can you help me put the icings?"

"Of course"

Two minutes in, Lily suddenly felt a slightly cold sensation on her cheeks. She touched the spot and surely enough there was icing on her hand. She looked up at Dean who was pretending like nothing happened and continued putting icing on the cake. Lily raised her brows along with her hand that was holding her icing and went for Dean's face.

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