Chapter 18

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Hawkin's got a decent amount of rain in the summer, but nothing like the storm that hit the days following the mall fire. Nearly every single business was closed except for hospitals and grocery stores. Some people even put up sandbags in front of their doors to prevent the rain from flooding houses. The driving conditions were less than ideal, forcing most people to stay home and wait out the storm. Steve Harrington couldn't have cared less about the condition of the roads or how his car may handle it. He needed to see her.

Nearly a week after the battle at the mall, RJ was still in a deep coma. The doctors had suspected she would wake a day or two after she was put under, but she hadn't shown any signs of waking up. She had sustained traumatic head injuries from her battle with the monster. Her mother and sister stayed in the hospital day and night for the first three days before the doctors told them to go home and get some good rest. Being at home didn't make them sleep any better, knowing RJ was still in the hospital.

Steve hadn't seen RJ since she fell into her coma. He couldn't bring himself to see her. Nancy was the one who smacked some sense into him. She showed up on his doorstep, knocking vigorously at his door. When he opened it, he was immediately berated by Nancy. She was furious that he hadn't gone to see RJ.

"I don't know what to tell you, Nancy. I'm dealing with all of this in my way," He had protested.

"We're all dealing with this, Steve," Nancy replied.

"I just," Steve whimpered, "I don't know what I'd do with myself if I lost her, and I can''s just so hard."

Steve began to sob, and Nancy pulled him into an embrace. It wasn't anything romantic despite their history. She just knew she had to be there for her friend. Steve was her friend, and she was glad to have him as one.

"I know it's hard," She pulled away and looked at Steve, "But she needs you. Whether she knows it or not."

Steve pulled up to the hospital, and it was still pouring rain. He sat there for a while, preparing himself for what he was about to see, or maybe he was delaying seeing it. He took a deep breath and got out of his car.

The walk from his car to the door was not even twenty feet, but he still managed to become soaking wet from the rain. He walked up to the front desk, leaving a trail of water behind him.

He cleared his throat to get the receptionist's attention. The woman behind the desk looked up at him.

"Um, I'm here to see Rebecca Mayfield," He said.

The woman looked him up and down, "Forgot an umbrella?"

Steve chuckled softly, "Yeah, I guess I did. I was just in a bit of a rush."

"Alrighty, relation to the patient," The woman asked, flipping through the book in front of her.

"Uh," Steve wasn't sure how to respond. Friend? Boyfriend? It was a stupid thing to think about at the moment, but his brain was moving too fast for him to register that it didn't matter.

The receptionist sighed, "Look, young man, I can't let you through if you don't can't tell me your relation to Ms. Mayfield."

"Steve?" A soft voice called him.

He looked toward the voice and saw Max. She looked like she hadn't slept in days. At that moment, Steve's juvenile thoughts about his title regarding RJ melted away. He marched over to Max and threw his arms around her. They sat in silence for a moment, comforting one another.

"I'm sorry," Steve uttered softly.

Max pulled away from their embrace, confused, "What could you possibly be sorry for?"

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