Chapter 16

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Steve, RJ, Robin, Dustin, and Erica made their way to RJ's car. Everyone was confused about what happened between RJ and Steve, but they had bigger things to deal with. Dustin, Erica, and Robin hopped in the back seat. Steve and RJ both stood by the driver's side door.

Steve held out his hands, "I'm driving."

"There is absolutely no way in hell I'm letting you drive my car," RJ proclaimed.

"What, I'm a good driver," Steve protested. RJ cocked her eyebrow. "And you fucked up your hands. I don't want them to get any worse by you gripping a steering wheel," Steve added.

RJ took a step toward Steve, "And you still have some kind of drug in your system. Wouldn't I be setting a poor example for Dustin and Erica if I let you drive under the influence?"

Steve was silent. He had no rebuttal.

"Get in on the other side," RJ repeated. Steve did as he was told.

RJ started the engine as Steve closed the passenger door.

Dustin leaned in between them, "You guys fight like an old married's obnoxious."

RJ giggled at Dustin's comment. She looked over at Steve; he also found it amusing. RJ hoped that they'd become an obnoxious old married couple one day.

"Alright, wise guy, where are we headed?" RJ asked Dustin.

"Weather Top," Dustin replied, and they were off to Cerebro.

After an eventful arrival with RJ ramming through a fence, they arrived at Cerebro. RJ walked around to assess the damage done to the front of her car. Running through a fence was not particularly great for the paint job.

"Dustin, I hope you know that you're paying for my car repairs," RJ expressed as she began walking up the hill.

"What- Why would I have to pay?" Dustin protested, following her.

"Because," RJ stopped and turned to him, "If you had told me to turn left five seconds earlier, I wouldn't have gone through a fence and ruined the paint on my car."

Dustin had no rebuttal. He simply continued climbing along with RJ and Erica. Steve was left standing beside Robin.

"You know Steve, I can't fathom how you managed to win her back. I mean she is way too cool for you...but you guys are kind of perfect together," Robin admitted before following everyone else up the hill.

Steve didn't understand it either. He couldn't believe that someone as amazing as RJ would give him a chance, let alone a second chance.

When they got to the tower, they immediately tried to contact Murray, Hopper, and Joyce down in the Russian base. Cerebro was successful. They managed to get a powerful enough signal to reach the base. Dustin, Robin, and Erica guided Murray through the vents as planned. RJ was standing looking out at the mall. Steve could tell something was bothering her.

He put his hand on her shoulder, "You're worried about Max."

"I got myself into this whole mess because I needed my keys so I could get home and make sure she was safe. Now, I just left her in danger alone again," RJ sat down, and Steve sat beside her.

"She's not alone, RJ," Steve took her hand into his, "Believe me, she's in good hands. Nothings gonna happen to her."

RJ sighed. Looking out over Hawkins, she realized just how small that town was. It was a cathartic feeling to have such a grandiose adventure in such a small town. It made her feel like maybe there's more to Hawkins than she always thought. She looked at Steve and knew she was right. He was the greatest adventure that she discovered in Hawkins.

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