What can trigger Misophonia and what exactly happens its been triggered?

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Misophonia is triggered by trigger noises, like said before they are specific noises that hurt the sufferer. The most common noises or sounds that can trigger someones Misophonia are noises created by other people, usually sounds made by someone mouth, such as chewing, lip smacking, swallowing, tongue clicking, eating crunchy or slimy food, being able to hear someone chew even with their mouth closed, and even saying a certain noise such as "pst" or "ssts". Misophonia isn't only triggered by eating noises. It can also be triggered by yawning, grunting, a sniffle, the way someone sings, scratching noises, breathing, and even a repeated sound or movement.

When someone gets triggered by it, a person who has Misophonia might lash out emotionally or physically to the cause of the sound, and could end up hurting someone else or themselves. Some reactions that you could see from a person could be, punching, slapping, screaming, scratching, crying, self harm, or even assault to the person who made the noise. if you play with someone's Misophonia, you are not being a good person. Misophonia is a real disorder and physically hurts the person you are messing with. If you don't completely understand how a person would react, or how it would feel, think about how you would react to being jabbed in the ribs with a thick sharp stick, it doesn't feel good or funny, does it? Or maybe think about this, how would you react if someone came up and started to tickle you? You would laugh and move away trying to get away from the person tickling you because its kinda uncomfy and its just how your body reacts. Well that's similar to Misophonia, except painful. A person who has it tries to get away from the source and starts to uncontrollably cry, scream, or talk over the noise. they can't help it, just like how you can't help laughing when being tickled.

A Misophonia trigger can feel like you are going into a panic and can even make you feel as if you are going insane. It can physically hurt someone, depending on how bad it bothers the sufferer. Misophonia triggers the brains fight or flight response, and sends the person into a state of panic or gives them the urge to fight back.

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