Chapter 75 - Eyes open

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She was Chi Zhengzheng!

She may not be the original Chi Zhengzheng, her body may be fake, and the world she came to may even be fake, but her memories were real, Wen Yu was real!

She thought the original storyline had completely changed, but even though she came to this world, a year later, Chi Zhengzheng's ending and Wen Yu's "CP-free" fate were still heading towards the same course.

But how could this be possible? Chi Zhengzheng was very anxious.

How could she die? She couldn't die, she absolutely mustn't die!

If she dies, what would happen to Wen Yu?

She promised him that she would be with him for the rest of her life, and they would go on together.

How could she break her promise?

No way.

If she was destined to die today a year later, then she would never have gone near Wen Yu, let alone let him fall in love with her!

He should have had the course of the CP-free male lead from the dominance novel, without her appearance, although lonely, it was just as spectacular.

He was strong, he was fearless, he was powerful, he had no sorrow, no pain, and never lost.

If he hadn't fallen in love, he wouldn't suffer and wouldn't be sad!

No one should be able to defeat him!

Wen Yu had suffered so much in his life. He had no family, he only had their love, she only wanted him to be happy, with their future happiness, she wanted to heal the pain and loneliness from his past.

She didn't want him to be sorrowful, because of her.

The world with a vast expanse of whiteness, she couldn't break free.

The weakness and powerlessness of the body, the dispirit of her consciousness, were telling her the situation at this moment.

– She was going to die.

No way!

If this ending was already predetermined, why let her come to this world and disturb Wen Yu's, peaceful heart?

How could it be?

Wen Yu put Chi Zhengzheng on the bed and covered her with the quilt.

The heating in the house had been turned on, so it didn't feel frosty cold like the outside at all.

– He was next to her, holding a pen and paper and writing something, there wasn't many words.

After he finished writing, he put the pen and paper on the table, walked over, hugged her, and let her head rest on his knee.

The window was open. It was getting dark earlier in the winter, it had already turned dark outside, but because of the reflection of snow, he sat on the bed, and could still see the world with a vast expanse of whiteness, full of snowflakes, the road was already all white on both sides.

"It's snowing again." Wen Yu gently tidied her hair, she loved to look pretty, and he couldn't let her look bad. "Zhengzheng, I remember you like to see snow the most. Tonight, it's snowing heavily outside, if you wake up, tomorrow at dawn, we can go inside the pavilion to have tea and enjoy the snow."

It had snowed heavily once before, but he was afraid she would catch a cold and didn't agree to let her go out to play.

He was so controlling with her at that time, he was afraid that she would get sick or catch a cold, he was so cautious that he wouldn't even let the slightest accident happen, that's why he was especially cautious.

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