My Own fears

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Bhai Woh..." and the phone switched off..
"Woh kya Omi bol na? Hello hello?"
"Parvez apna phone tu charge b nhi rkh skta kya? Idiot." He shouted

He rubbed his temples.
"Phone mera phone?" He murmured tossing the things present around him, he caught his phone and dialled Om's phone.
The call left unanswered even after another numerous tries. He turned to Parvez who was standing at his back,

"Gaadi nikaal meri shakal kya dekh rha hai Parvez, City Hospital aj hi pohnchna hai"

Hearing him Parvez ran downstairs followed by Karan.
Karan ran inside the hospital, straight to the reception
"Laddoo? Where's she?" He was a crying mess by now.
"I am sorry Sir, who?" The nurse replied not getting what he meant.
"Teja, Tejasswi Prakash? In which room she is?" He inquired again getting restless with each minute passing.
"Sir, i....idk"  the nurse hesitantly replied.

"What do you mean by you not knowing about your own patient who was admitted to your own hospital about an hour ago or less?" He frowned.
"Sir , I am sorry, let me just get through the emergency files"  she surfed through her computer with a look of not being able to find the one.
"Can you be fast, please..." he shouted while the tears didn't leave a chance to flow like the heavy rain from the grey clouds.
"I am sorry sir, i think you are mistaken with the patient's name because our records don't have any patient with the name you mentioned." the nurse replied.

He was surprised would be an understatement. All he could at that moment was nothing but calling Teja, because Om's phone was off maybe due to power or what not.

He called Teja
The call was picked up after a ring or two.

hello? " the voice came
Laddoo? " he said in the softest way possible.
The peace that his heart was at hearing her out all okay was at the next level.
There was no reply from the other end though. All he could hear was the sobs.

Laddoo? "He said again hoping for her to stop crying (because that ached his heart alot and knowing the fact that the reason was him ached more)

She cleared out her throat, wiped off her tears and gained the courage to answer and that too with a stammering voice.
"Bo- I mean yes Karan?"

Hearing out Karan from her mouth was itself a sign of how hurt she was and why not? What are the reasons for to be happy with him? All he did was made her cry and questioning herself just for the sake of his own insecurities? His own fear of her going away from him? Just like every other girl did? His fear of her getting misunderstood of him? But all he did was end up creating more. Why!!! *he questioned himself*

       《Chapter ends.》

Sorey for being MIA, was caught up with studies and some personal work and I didn't want to be quick and post any trash. But will try to update you all with the next part asap.
hope you are liking this one, looking forward for your thoughtful comments....

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