Chapter 4: Demon Spends Time With The Angel

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It was the next day and Ayanokouji had just left his apartment and walked towards his neighbour's with a clean plastic container in his right hand.
Ringing the doorbell, it opened revealing a blonde haired girl in a wine-coloured knit dress.
Seeing Ayanokouji, Mahiru slightly furrowed her eyebrows before relaxing as she had seemed to remember the purpose of his visit and looked towards the clean and sparkly plastic box.
"Right, I had forgotten you would give me the container." Mahiru spoke up as she took the item from Kiyo's hand.
"I did say that."
"I'm not surprised to even see it clean. I can even see my refelection." She says, muttering the last part.
"I'm honoured to be able to please her grace."
Narrowing her eyes, she glared at him. "Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that yesterday." She stated coldly.
"Technically you told me to stop calling you angel." Ayanokouji simply said while she had a blush on her face.
Sighing after a few seconds, she understood his game and just shoved a not empty plastic container into his hand.
Blinking, "What's this?" Ayanokouji asked.
"Well, your majesty has made made extras, and thought she'd give you this today, as your dinner." Mahiru simply said, while crossing her arms.
"Is that so?" Ayanokouji asked while looking at the food.
Within the container that had just been passed to him, he could clearly see the colour of the eggplant inside and sautéed pork. Being able to see through the translucent top, tells him that the food had cooled down a little unlike yesterday's, so it wasn't fogged up. His hunger was undoubtedly peaked by the appearance of the splendidly well cooked pork and the eggplant with mild scorch marks.
"I wonder how people would see us." Ayanokouji muttered unconsciously.
Getting an eyebrow raise from Mahiru, "And what's that supposed to mean?" She asked with a hint suspicion.
"Huh, I mean what would people think if they see this entire exchange. They'd probably get the wrong impression." He explained, looking up at her.
"Do you have the wrong impression on my kindness."
"No, I can clearly say your doing this because you pity my health."
"Exactly, and there's also the fact that I know it'll be a hassle to deal with the death of a neighbour."
"Ouch. That hurts my feelings." Ayanokouji said turning around.
Letting out a light laugh, she bowed and bid him a goodbye.

Days have been passing by ever since the angel had started feeding the demon dinner and sometimes breakfast as well.
    Ayanokouji had even decided to use the food given to him as tomorrow's school lunch. It certainly came as a surprise and shock to someone like Itsuki when he saw the guy not go to the cafeteria for the first time and eat in the classroom.
    "Dude! When did you learn to cook."
    "I didn't, neighbour gave some food and I decided to bring it to school for lunch." Ayanokouji doing the smartest thing and not wanting to anger Mahiru, he decided to not mention her name.
    "Really, man I was hoping you did because that looks so good."
    "It really is."
    Ayanokouji didn't lie, there was a chance it was almost as great as Matsuo's. But obviously Matsuo is a professional so it's surprising she's able to rival him. But if he thinks about it, he hasn't been having the food straight out the oven or pan.
"Do you think you can get me some." Itsuki asks.
"Aren't you supposed to be going now?"
    "So cold. Anyways your right, I'll catch you later."
    The both of them said their goodbyes. The reason they're not eating lunch together is because some of the times Itsuki eats with his girlfriend, Chitose Shirakawa.
    The reason Ayanokouji didn't want to go and eat with them, even though they had invited him every time, he tells them he doesn't want to be a third wheel.

Ayanokouji was currently headed to the supermarket because he had ran out of ice cream yesterday. Even though there was at least 5 tubs of it a few days ago.
As he entered the store, hearing the occasional beep, he walked down the aisle and headed towards the frozen section.
However, his steps had come to a pause mid way as his gaze was on a familiar petite high school girl.
He sighs in dismay. "Wow, don't look too happy to see me." Mahiru said with a side glance.
"Don't get me wrong, I would be grateful for this opportunity to talk to someone like you, but I'm not in the mood for another one of your scoldings."
"I scold you for the better of yourself, you know that. I can already tell your here for the usual snacks." Mahiru guessed.
"Close princess, but I'm here for only the ice cream." Ayanokoji stated as he walked passed her slid open the freezer, taking out four tubs of ice cream.
With a slight groan at the name calling, Mahiru asks a question. "You really love ice cream don't you. Didn't you get some the other day?" The angel guessed.
"I did."
"And it's finished already?"
"Uh huh." Ayanokouji nodded.
"There's a saying; Life is like an ice cream: enjoy it before it melts."
"...Right." The girl didn't even know how to respond to that.
"Hm." Ayanokouji looked towards his right at the alcohol section and thought back to the scotch at his home, which was almost finished.
"I hope your thinking of buying any." Mahiru said coming towards his side and looking at Ayanokouji with a disappointing look.
"Will you stop me?"
"I will." She stated firmly.
"Right." Ayanokouji responded unsure as he did a hand gesture, showing the gap of height between the two, even though it wasn't much.
"Your not calling me short are you." Mahiru's lips thinned as she spoke in a cold tone.
"Please don't look at me like that, I'm quaking in my boots."
Mahiru sighs a little and let's out a tiny giggle as she finds this whole ordeal amusing.
"Don't worry, I'm only here for ice cream."
Nodding her head in satisfaction, "I'm glad to hear." She states.
As the both of them are seemingly done with their shopping, they both started to make their way to the till and pay.
While Ayanokouji was right next to her in the line and watched her place her food up for scanning, he noticed that she was buying extra ingredients that would feed at least two people.
It reminded him of how he and Matsuo would go out for shopping and help buy ingredients for the both of them as they were the only two living in the mansion at the time.
If that's true and she's buying the same amount, then that means she's paying to also feed him.
Sighing once again today, he couldn't help but think of his pride as a man.
"I'm surprised you haven't offered to carry my bag for me yet, didn't internet-Sensei teach you that?"
Mahiru said with a teasing smile as she was about to lift her bag.
"Actually I was going to." Ayanokouji states as he grabs her grocery bag before she could. "And it did."
"I was joking you know."
"Don't worry, if I don't then my pride as a man will be ruined."
"Pride? I wouldn't expect any from a child."
Ayanokouji just looked at her with a blank face. As he was about to bring up his hands to make the same gesture as before, she gives a look that says don't you dare.
    Maybe she doesn't like to be tease about her height. Ayanokouji thought.
So as they made their way out of the store and walked back their apartment building he resolved himself and started speaking.
"Hey, even though you give me food everyday out of 'self satisfaction'."
"What's with the air quotes." Mahiru asked quite annoyed.
Ignoring her Kiyo continued, "It still takes effort to cook."
"And? It doesn't rea—"
Ayanokouji, cutting her off, still speaks, "I'm not done, todays a Friday and I'm ordering takeout today."
"So you don't want me to give you anything today, is that what your getting at?" Mahiru asks.
Shaking his head, "No, how about you join me. Or I can order some for you."
"What are you after?" She says with suspicion.
"Either that or you let me pay for your groceries. I can tell you bought extra ingredients for me, I may not cook but I've went shopping before."
Sighing she thought about it.
"Fine, it's not like your going to do anything. You've had all the chances really."
"What do you mean?"
"You know."
"You don't actually know."
"Again I'm confused."
"... Sometimes I wonder." Mahiru mutters and sighs.
"Once again, I'm still confused."
"Okay, I'll come but don't you dare do anything indecent or else."
Blinking, he realises what she meant. "Oh, I understand. Don't worry, I promise."
"Good, glad to see we're on the same page."
"Your getting ahead of yourself anyway."
"What do you mean?" The angel asks.
"What makes you think your my type to act inappropriately with anyway?"
"Um... W-well..." Mahiru hadn't actually thought about that.
Most boys in her class are only wanting to talk to her and expect something out of her. Everyone that comes to her always has a hidden agenda.
"I-I'm sorry, I guess—"
"Relax, I was teasing." A blush came upon Mahiru's face and pouted.
Before they knew it they both had arrived at their doors. Holding out Mahiru's bags, he handed it to her.
Nodding and giving a thanks, a curious thought appeared in her head. "Wasn't it heavy. I mean you were carrying four ice cream tubs in one hand and my bag in the other."
"I guess it would've hurt if I wasn't distracted by our conversation." A lie, to Ayanokouji, it wasn't much as he's lifted heavier things.
"Right, I guess so. Anyways, I'll see you later at 7pm?"
"Sure I'll order the takeout 20 minutes before. Don't you want to know what I'm ordering?"
"Surprise me."
Nodding his head, Mahiru went back into her apartment and Ayanokouji did the same.

Angel x Demon (Otonari no Tenshi-Sama x Ayanokouji Kiyotaka)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin