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"Okay, that's a bit dramatic. I had a childhood,
just wasn't spoilt like little Ms Rich Girl"


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             AVERY GROANED FAINTLY AS HE PRESSED THE LARGE ICEPACK TO HIS BRUISED SHOULDER. The cold touch sent an immediate shiver down back, his teeth chattering under the freezing temperature. His ear was now bandaged and any remaining cuts or injuries had to heal in their own time as there was no way to accelerate the healing.

"I'm back!"

Avery couldn't help but allow a small smile to lift onto his chapped lips at Kate's voice. The golden retriever came charging through with her following close behind, a sympathetic glint to her beautiful gaze. "How's your shoulder?" She could see the dark bruising was like a patch over the front of his shoulder, the recoil of a sniper being merciless.

"Hurting," Avery said simply.

"Yeah..." Kate winced, as she sat down beside him, peeling back the icy material curiously. "Looks like it." Her own cuts seemed to have healed surprisingly well with nothing but a thin layer of blood coating the once open cut. "Why did Clint want you to stay?"

Avery hesitated, stuttering out an 'um' as he looked away. His mind reeled for an answer that concealed the truth. "To bitch about you," he blurted out, instantly regretting it as Kate's face fell. His heart skipped a beat and he was quick to hurry an apology. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding, I'm sorry."

Kate's sarcastic sadness could only last for a mere second before she broke out into a fit of laughter. Her hands immediately fell to clutch her stomach as she cackled, the joyous sound causing Avery to managed a soft chuckle as realisation set in. She wasn't offended.

The faint buzzing of a phone caught their attention. In sync, Kate and Avery glanced over the couch to the small kitchen that was now occupied by an exhausted Clint. The older Avenger took a quick glance at the caller ID before answering as he would if his wife called, accept it wasn't her.

Kate and Avery shared a quick look as they heard the young voice that replied. Kate jumped up, waving her hands in a desperate attempt to catch Clint's attention when the ice pack flew past her head and hit him in the face.

Clint caught the ice pack when it fell, turning sharply with a deep frown only for his eyes to soften as he noticed Kate's hurried actions. She quickly grabbed a nearby notepad and scribbled over it, little boy.

                        "Nathaniel?" Clint stammered, looking back down at the phone. "Nathaniel, what are you... what are you doin', buddy?" His voice instantly softened, slightly panicked at the unexpected caller. "Is everything okay? Where's Mama?"

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