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: The procedure of the notes are still the same, small letters for low notes/chords and big notes for the opposite. But! In the chorus part, you can also do the high note for it or the low note since it had an A# where in fact in lyres, they don't have any of it in the higher or upper case, only in the low or mid case. So, the point is, since the verse 1 is in low note, it's up to you if you want to do the same thing for the chorus.

Note that, I made the chords via Piano app, that's why. Sorry for the inconvenience. Enjoy learning!!!


s-l-l-s-l s-s-f-f f a#-l
s-l-l-s-l l-s-f-m-r r-r-m-f-m m-m-m-m m-l-f

s-l-l-a#-l s-f-f f-f-f-f-a#-l l-l-s-l f-l-l f-m-r
r-r-m-f-m-m D a#-l-a#-l (s-s-l)

R-R-D-R-D l-D-a#-l-s-l s-l-l-l l D a#-l-s-f
f-s-l-a# a#-a#-l-a#-D

D-L-S-S-F L-S F-S-L L-S S-S-F L-S-S-S-F-S-L A#-L-S-F
D-L-S-S-F D-D-L-S-S-S F-S-L L-S-S-S-F L-S-S F-S-L A#-L-S-F-R R-D D-D-L-M-F


That's all, thank you. I'm looking forward to your supports~

📍 D - Do
📍 R - Re
📍 M - Mi
📍F - Fa
📍S - So
📍 L - La
📍T - Ti/Si

Also, don't forget to read my on-going story that I recommended all you, BOY BEST FRIEND THE SERIES! Pls share and spread your supports just like how you did to MY LYRE NOTES~ It's worth the read!

Next time, fuzzlies~

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