Chapter 2

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It's the next day that I wake up feeling completely drained having only been on two hours of sleep.

I open my eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. I don't know why I can never feel completely normal. I always wake up from the nightmares that haunt me every night I sleep.

I'll never forget that night.

Shot after shot after shot. My mom was my everything. She was my rock. She never once judged me about the decisions I made. All she did was help me and give me advice on the big and little things.

I was at a party some popular girl from High school was throwing. I took it as an advantage for a way to forget everything.

"Hey. Josie right?" One of the famous football players named Jason asked.

"Yeah. What do you want?" I said.

"Hey, easy. No need to get all hostile."

I leaned my head down from my head hurting so much and looked at Jason who was just looking at me weirdly.

"Bye weirdo."

I made my way to walk but I kept on stumbling.

"Hey, I got you. Let's head upstairs so you can lie down." He whispers in my ear.

"I-I I don't want to. Please no." Knowing what he was trying to do. I couldn't ask anyone for help since most everyone was outside by the pool. He took me upstairs to one of the empty bedrooms and through me on the bed.

"Let's get started." He smirks while unbuckling his pants.

I try to find all the strength in me to push him off me and he hits his head hard on the floor.

"You bitch!" He yells trying to run after me but I beat him to the door and run out leaving the party all together.

I sobered up from what just happened and found my own way home.

I blink my eyes a few times before getting up and getting ready for school.

Time skip

I walk into school with my head down not bringing much attention to myself. I stop by my locker and take a deep breath getting my things for English.

"Well well well look who it is."

Great the fucking "queen" of them all. Lindsey. Now, this bitch I can't fucking stand. She tries to make everyone feel embarrassed for how they look all. the. time and her main target is me.

We used to be friends a few years back until she stopped being friends with me because her crush used to like me and not her. It wasn't my fault she was constantly annoying.

I shut my locker hard and turned towards her. "What do you want?"

"Aww don't get all fussy with me. I just wanted to let you know Jason says "Hi."

My heart immediately drops and flashbacks appear to that night. I turn around hugging my books to my chest and walk away not seeing where I was going.

I turn to another hallway leading to the back of the school where the druggies hang out only for me to bump into Roman.

"He-wait what's wrong?" I look up at those beautiful green eyes and get lost for a split second.

"Huh oh, nothing just got something in my eye. I have to go, I'm sorry."

I rush outside and head towards my car to go to my special place.

Time skip

Here I am sitting with tears in my eyes as I reminisce about the things me and my mom used to do together. Do I wish I could have those times back? Yes. I'm always so drained from everything. Sometimes I just feel completely empty not wanting to try anymore. But I have to hang on for my mom. To see the world how she wanted to see it.

She was my everything.

"I miss you, mom. Please help me. I need the strength to get through every day without you. I barely see dad anymore and I feel so alone. I wish you were with me again. I'm having dark thoughts, really bad dark thoughts and I don't know how to stop them."

My tears have now stopped flowing, being replaced by the fears and dark thoughts in my mind.

I have never felt so drained in my entire life. I never sleep, I'm constantly having bad thoughts, and I have absolutely no one.

I go back into my car and head home. I shower, wash my hair, put lotion and perfume on, and get dressed in my pajamas. I'm trying to distract myself with movies but all I can think about is Roman. He's the only one who ever really talks to me in school. Probably just because I helped him.

When I was about to lay down I hear the front door open and close. I head downstairs and see him in the kitchen looking over his paperwork. I head to the fridge ignoring his presence altogether.

He hasn't been a father ever since my mom passed and it hurts sometimes but I've gotten used to the pain, honestly. I grab water and my mangos and head upstairs.

"Josie." My father calls.

I stiffened hearing him call my name and turn around with my eyes to the floor.

"We're expecting guests so please get ready and be down here by 8:00."

I nod and turn around heading upstairs and shutting my door sighing at having people over for my dad's stupid meeting. Oh did I forget to mention he's a businessman? Partly why he's never really here.

I lay down on my bed and turn my tv on for a movie before getting ready for this stupid dinner.

Hey guys. I haven't updated in forever and I am so sorry for that. I've been dealing with a lot of family issues and deaths but we got this! Thank you so much for reading❣️

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