Project Discard

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The next morning at school was mostly normal except for Kelsey had convinced a handful of girls that I must be practicing witchcraft and stuff after she heard what had happened with Camden at the party. I scoffed at all mentions and when I saw Kelsey I asked her if she was jealous I could actually hold someone's attention and told her that  if she needed any pointers to just let me know.

In Anatomy, she kept looking back at Trevor and me so I gave her a little finger wave and she spun to face forward again.

"Trying to do some more bewitching?" Trevor grinned and I side-eyed him.

"Not in the slightest." I snorted. "I couldn't charm Kels Bells if I wanted to."

"How did you do it anyway?" Trevor seemed genuinely curious. "I mean Cam was totally in a trance."

"It's art." I shrug and then feel gross with my own answer. "I mean, I don't really know how I do it, it just happens. I think most boys get off just a little bit by being told what to do."

"I'll pass." Trevor chuckles and shakes his head.

"I never offered," I smirk and he protests. Some boys did this. They liked to say how they'd never sleep with you; sometimes more dramatically 'not with a ten-foot pole'. But as soon as you clarify your own disinterest they get a little hurt and they want to backtrack or reaffirm that it's them that isn't interested. When Trevor tries I just nod and say okay.

I can feel him staring at me for the rest of class. In Anthropology, I catch him looking back at me a couple times. And in Painting he texts me;

Your house after school? So we can start the first A&P project.

I text him that we could and gave him my address but told him I'd need about half an hour to let my mom know he was coming. He didn't question why I needed the thirty minutes to tell her and probably thought it was just a matter of convincing her to let a boy come over or he just didn't care. Either way, I could say I was grateful for him not prying.

The final bell rang and I run walked to get out, weaving through other kids and dodging errant elbows. And then suddenly I'm stopped, someone spinning me out of the way by the shoulders.

"Wh-what?!" Before my eyes can catch up to my surroundings someone's lips are on mine and I squeal in surprise.

"God I've been waiting to do that." There's a sigh and I can finally focus in on Camden.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I scrub my lips with the back on my sleeved wrist. There's not many people paying attention but there's still too many for my liking.

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since last night which is crazy since the hangover was bangin' this morning." Camden smiled widely and for a moment I question if I was a witch and had accidently put a spell on Camden.

"You've tormented me for the last like four years Camden. Forgive me if I couldn't give a shit less how you feel." I feel like I have to straighten out my appearance after the spinning.

"Look we've grown up." He gestures to both of us.

"Yeah, I'm not falling for this stupid game. Freshman year was enough so you can't try it again now." I move to leave but Camden catches me by my elbow.

"I couldn't be more serious about how much I've wanted you since last night. Before, I might've been kidding but now I literally can't stop seeing your eyes."

"Right." I nod. "Now you really want to fuck the whore." My crudeness jolts him.

"No. No. That's not-" He stumbles.

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