The ride there wasn't bad, I was mainly in my head. When I pulled into the parking lot, my eyes landed on a familiar silver car. I raised an eyebrow and took the parking space right next to it. When I peeked inside, I saw a white fuzzy steering wheel cover.

It's her.

I took a gulp and began to walk inside, Coach greeted me at the door. He walked me into his office.

"Good Morning, Grayson. How's your shoulder feeling son?" he shook my hand with a smile. He has a very firm grip.

"I can't say it isn't sore, but I'm working on getting healed up by the spring." I mentioned and took a seat in front of his unusually large desk. His entire office was windows. When I looked to the left, it was the weight room. Which had a few of my future team mates in it. I gulped.

Coach took out one of the files from his cabinet and stared at it. He had no expression on his face, but he was very tense. So was I. He took a deep breath, "Unfortunately son, looking at your PT records I don't think you'll be healed by Spring."

"I don't understand? Dr. Matthews said I was doing fine."

"Yes. From what I see here is that you weren't properly taking care of yourself and you somehow injured yourself, again." he noted and motioned to my spling. Right. All because I didn't wear my fucking brace like Paisley told me. God why did I push her away. She's all I need right now.

"Okay, but what's going on?"

Coach pressed a pen to his temple and continued to look down at the piles of papers on his desk. "You could take a gap year, instead of having your scholarship next school year, we can give it to you the following year." he hesitated, his eyes met mine. I found myself frowning.

A gap year? I wouldn't be at my prime, like I was two weeks ago.

"Okay." I smiled, "A gap year it is."

He nodded and starting scribbling something when the door opened. I turned to see a tall blonde boy, "Coach, uhhh, the Parker needs you." he mentioned when he looked down to me. He raised a brow and stared at my brace. Coach got up and left.

"Grayson, right?" he asks and walked in. "That's me." I replied with a small nod.

"You're quite the talk around here" he chuckled to himself, "I'm Henry."

Henry placed his left hand infront of me and I shook it. Someone yelled his name in the hallway, he turned and looked out the door. "Well, Gray, I'll see you around." he gave me a two-finger salute while running to whomever said his name. I chuckled and walked out, back to my truck.

Until I saw her, curled into a ball on the bench. I crept over to her, trying not to make too much noise. I stop and just observe her. Her blue eyes bore into mine and then she realized it was me. "Paisley I'm-"

"Save if Grayson." she snapped, her mascara running down her face. She got up and walked over to her car and almost immediately pulled out. Once she was gone, I sat where she sat and rested my head on the back of the bench.

This is all my fault.


I ended up going to school in attempt to talk to Paisley. She wasn't in Bio for a good three days, until she walked in. Her hair was in a bun, she wore no makeup and looked extremely tired. "Nice of you to join us today, Ms. Smith." Mr Quinten said sarcastically, she gave him a small smile and sat in her usual seat.

Should I go over? No. I need to leave her alone.

Fuck it. I stood up and pulled up a chair next to her. She kept her eyes ahead as if she knew I was going to do that. We didn't talk, at all. We just sat together and worked.

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