The bugs told me so.

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Sitting up, after I took a minute to settle, I looked around my room. It took a while, but eventually my eyes focused.

There was a hand shaped bruise on my arm and a bruise from the needle as well as previous needle marks. They keep telling me that I made them myself before I got here…I don't remember. There was a plate by my door too.

Slowly crawling over, I see a plate with a sandwich, some water, and a cookie. There was a small note with my name on it in neat writing. Picking up the sandwich, I began eating while I opened the note.

            Alec, I hope you enjoy the food
                    and feel better. -Lucas

I smiled at the thought as I ate. After I finished my food I sat back on my heels. My body still felt a little sluggish. I took in a deep breath and started to stand.

My limbs were slightly asleep, but I stood strong. I paced a few steps to wake up the rest of my body. Turning, I sat down on my bed, white, all white, and then giggled. It was all so funny, so…

I saw something out of the corner of my eye that seemed to be moving, so I looked over. There was a small cockroach crawling up the wall and it seemed to stop as I looked at it. We froze for a good few seconds before I stood up and walked toward the little creature.

“Hey, little one, what brings you here?” I questioned as I held my hand out against the wall for them to crawl on if they chose.

They hesitated, but crawled onto my hand. I smiled and held it up so I could hear it better.

“Do you have a plan?” Its little squeaky voice asked. It crawled farther up my hand closer to my face.

Confused, I tilt my head and look at the creature closer. Plan for what? Was there something I was supposed to be doing?

“A plan,” I muttered, “A plan for what?”

“A plan to escape of course!” You could hear a smile in the bug's voice.

I stared in shock at the bug, could I escape here? Should I escape? How could I escape? I wanted out of this white, dull place.

“What” I whispered, shocked.

“A plan, I have a plan, I could help you” The cockroach was crawling around my hand so I had to keep turning it to keep them on.

“Really!” I smiled, “You’d really help me?” I was buzzing with excitement, I don't remember what I was getting helped for, but I liked help.

“Next time you get let out, listen to the wasps, they'll know what to do.” The cockroach fell off of my hand and crawled out under the door.

I watched it leave and I turned to sit on the bed. I don't know how long I spent sitting there, but I don't recall moving much. I looked at the white wall. I looked down at the white floor. My white bed. White. It was so quiet I could hear buzzing, like there was a pressure in my ears. 

A sudden noise broke me out of my daze. The  sound of a door being opened caused my head to slowly look up from where I was sitting, straight in front of the door.

There stood Miss, looking at me with a glare. I looked blankly at her before she opened her mouth and spoke with her usual monotone voice, “Let's go, it's your free time.”.

It was the exact same every time. The exact same words, the exact same tone, the exact same glare, in the exact same white room. It never changes, like it's on repeat.

I looked at her for a few seconds, thoughts empty, before I stood up. Slowly I made my way to her. As soon as I reached her, her hand took its usual spot on my arm all but dragging me back out into the rest area.

As I passed the mirror I took another look at myself. I looked even paler, kinda sickly. Dark puffy marks under my eyes stood out against the skin, such a vivid contrast to the white. Reaching the large area, Miss lets go.
“One hour.” And she's gone with a glare.

I stood in the middle of the room swaying for a while until I felt a small weight on my shoulder.

Glancing down, I saw a small wasp sitting on my shoulder. What did the cockroach say? Something about wasps. Listen to the wasps.

I looked around for Miss or any other workers before seeing no one but me and a few other “patients'”, who were all sitting around drooling or slumped over… It seems like they got sedated too. Patients had been going missing, if they were seen doing something “Not normal”, they end up disappearing.

“Hello, am I supposed to listen to you?” I tiled my head towards the wasp, speaking in a whisper. It crawled around my shirt for a bit before answering.

“You need to distract them” it buzzed,

“The flowers can help you.” It flew away towards an open window where it landed crawling around.

I ran over to the wasp before it left. I needed to know, I needed more. What did it mean that the flowers could help me? Does he mean the flowers in the garden?

“Wait, How can they help me?” I blurted as soon as I was close enough, not caring how loud I was yelling. My heart was racing as well as my mind. I could be free.

“They can bring you to Wonderland, They know the entrance.” It flew out of the window before I could say anything else. The flowers.

I looked out of the window that the wasp flew out of. There were the flowers in all of their beauty. Two stories down, and I just need to get there.

The buzzing in my ears was no longer from the wasp, it was from my beating heart and the blood rushing through my veins. Through my blood pumping, I heard footsteps rush to the rest area.

The men came running with their needles like always. Always so ready to stab someone, like they want us sedated.
I looked at all of them, seeing Miss behind them.

Startled, I backed up, pressing my back against the window. It didn't open more than 3 inches for the people's “Saftey”.

Frantically, I looked around for something, some way to get to the garden and away from them.

Another wasp flew in the window and went towards the group of men. Most of them didn't flinch, but a few of them swung towards the wasp trying to get it away.

While trying to get the wasp away one of the men, obviously not brighter than the rest, swung the hand with a needle blindly, stabbing one of the other men. He let out a yelp of pain as he jumped back into the others.

I let out a giggle at their actions, attracting the attention of Miss and the others. She nodded her head towards me and the men started closing in.

Pressed against the window, I started panicking. Flowers. Flowers. Flowers. I need the flowers. My mind started racing as I saw the men get closer.

Without thinking, I grabbed the White chair sitting by the window. The man hesitated, but continued to get closer to try and sedate me again. I wouldn't let them. As soon as he got close enough, I swung the chair at him.

The chair connected with the man's arm and the needle fell out of his hand. Another man took that opportunity to rush me and he slammed me into the window.

I heard a crack and when the man put his hand near my neck to hold me, I locked my teeth around his arm and bit down. Hard. He screamed and let me go, losing his balance from the chair still laying behind him, he swayed on his feet, and I grabbed his arm and used his weight to slam him back against the window.

His head connected with a sickening thud as the glass shattered and he fell backwards, and out of the window.

There were no screams from him, since he was knocked unconscious, but we heard the crunch of his body landing into the garden. His body amongst the beautiful flowers. The pretty colored flowers, covered by a pretty red.

Red looks so much prettier than white.

Alecs Tragedy in Wonderland Where stories live. Discover now