She chuckled and we made breakfast together while talking and honestly it felt great seeing her happy and being nice to me. We even listened to music and danced around while cooking

"Ladies will we get breakfast today" it was druv's voice

"Yes my lord you will" alia replied, I noticed a little spark between the two but that might just be my crazy head

We served breakfast and everyone was present except you know who. After serving everyone cabir tugged on my arm

"Yes sir"

"Wake that idiot up" he said

"On my way" I said chuckling

I made my way up to the room, but the devil wasn't sleeping, he was in the shower which is good because it was kinda late. I grabbed my bag and he came outside in jeans and a t shirt.

"Good morning baby" he said kissing the back of my head

"Morning dummy, lets go we are late" I said

"Late is fine, but you look gorgeous" he said sitting down and tying his shoes

"Thank you, alia and I made breakfast" I said and he smiled

"She said sorry" I nodded

"Finally, she got the brains working" he said and I smacked his arm

"Shut up, lets go" I said walking downstairs

We had breakfast talking about random things, and then headed to college, I still don't know why they drive to college.

"Bye bye" I said almost running away but Manik pulled me back

"Walk, and why are you in a hurry" he asked

"Because I am late Manik chodo na please" I siad and he kissed my head

"Be safe chubby cheeks"

"I will" I said running to class, I was alone in this class because navya had taken another class at this time

I hated this class well dont get me wrong I loved the content but this girl was always looking at me all weird and things. I even tried saying hi and stuff becasue I thought maybe she wants to be friends but nope, she just ignored me like I wasn't there.

I sat down and the hour went by kinda fast because we were playing music today which I love. I got up from the mat and grabbed my bag to leave but a hand pulled me back, of course it is that girl

"Hi" I mumbled

"Hell with your hi, stay away from Manik"

"Excuse me"

"Yes, stay away from him and I mean as far away as you can or"

"Or what" I said being confident even though I was shitting my pants cause she was scary

"Or I will make sure you regret walking in space academy and in his life and I mean every bit of it"

"Why? Who even are you" I asked trying to get out of her grip

"I am soha khurana, manik is mine and you are going to stay away from him"

"Listen soha ahhhh stop, it hurts" I said and she tightened her grip

"Leave me alone soha"

"As you wish, but I better not find you around him again" she said pushing me

"I dont care what you want, I am not staying away from him and he isn't an object you can express your rights over. He has not given you any rights but he has given me rights so go fuck yourself" I yelled walking out of there with tears

I was scared becasue I have never stood up for myself like this especially infant of people who hurt me but manik has taught me to and it felt scary but I am glad I did that.

I was walking to the canteen to find navya when I ran into someone making me fall on the floor so I knew it wasn't manik.

"Owww I'm so sorry I wasn't looking" I said rubbing my head

"All good sweetheart" eww that was cheesy and not necessary

I got up and so did he, I have never seen him around but hey I wasn't looking anyways, I had eyes for one person and that person was manik and always will be manik

"Sorry" I mummbled again

"Its okay, whats your name" he asked as I picked up my bag


"Im harshad" he said and I nodded

"Friends" he asked

"Ummm" I was hesitant but he kept staring making me uncomfortable

"Sure" I said giving an uptight smile

"See you around nandini" he said and I nodded walking towards the canteen

"Bitch that took you forever" navya yelled

"Sorry dude, ran into this dude and fell so ya"

"Manik" she questioned

"Never mind if it was manik you wouldn't have fallen" she said without giving me a chance to answer

"Yup, now the point is im hungry, when is your next class"

"In 5 minutes and not mine, our class" she said and I sighed really loud

"I hate going to class I wanna go home" I said putting my head down on the table

"Is something wrong" she asked

"This girl in class twisted my arm so bad, im sure I will have a bruise, she said to stay away from manik" I said with my head still down

"Who was it" she asked caressing my hair

"Some girl, I told her off and I even sweared at her, and I feel bad about it"

"She was a bitch so im glad you sweared at her" she said

"I know but I feel bad"

"Lets tell manik later today"

"No absolutely not, I will deal with it myself" I said getting up


"Its okay, lets go we have class" I said and she linked her arms with mine as we walked to class

The next two classes went by super quick becasue navya was there but then again my last class was alone and navya had a free block so she headed to the canteen while I went to my class. Once the class was done I went to the bathroom and on my way out a girl stopped me

"Hey nandini"


"Manik was looking for you, he asked you to meet him in the recording room" she said

"Sounds good, thank you for letting me know" I said and walked to the recoding room

I pushed the door open and he wasn't there so I just shrugged my shoulders thinking he went to the canteen. I turned around ad pushed the door but it was locked

"Ahh not this please im starving" I yelled in frustration

The lights started flickering and that was it, all the frustration flew out, and it got replaced with fear.

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