Chapter 16: Ash and Serena's Destiny

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Ash Pov

Serena stood by me close, but she wasn't as close as before. Every since Rose died, she wasn't as close. She wouldn't even question our relationship.

I wondered what she was planning, but was afraid to ask. She wasn't as friendly as before. I still love her, but I don't know about her....

{Serena Pov}

I was lost. Trying to piece how to figure out how to kill Larxene. She needed to be assassinated, or desperately dead. She killed one of my best friends.

I had already figured out who Flame really was. She was Rose, but in a different body. I hope Ash cares about me still. I've been doing things and I don't know if he loves me or not.


"Hey Serena. How's it going.?"

"Good.. Look, I'm sorry."

"It's ok. Just please tell me what is going on."

"I had been thinking of ways to avenge Rose's death. Larxene killed one of our closest friends."

"Oh! We need to help!"

"Ash, we are going to do this alone. We don't need the seven keys anymore. They stopped that prophecy, and we need to find out what to do while Sora and Kairi is gone."



This is the end of chapter!


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