Chapter 3: Kairi is missing

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Serenity Pov

"Hi! Ziek! How! Are! You?!" I asked.

" I'm fine!!!" He replied.

"Um. Sorry to break your talk, but Kairi is missing.." Serena said.

"Wait! What!" I asked.

"She isn't here. Or anywhere else." Serena said.

"At the battle of the organization, it was said that some of the members lived. Riku, Larxene, and Rei. They lived, and there coming to get one girl. The name hasn't been announced yet!" I recited from the article.

"They aren't going after you or Kairi!" Ziek tried calming me down.

"It was said that the name was Serenity Sunshine, or Kairi. They were both one of the people they needed. Sora and Ziek, or Ventus, and Yuma. They are the key people to open the door. A sacrifice is coming.." I stopped reciting.

Hello people!

I'm sorry I stopped here. I just couldn't go on into the next chapter.

Anyways, this is going to be a three story series!!!! Some of the characters on the cover will be in the book!!!!

~This isn't going to be as long as the first book.

~It will be better though!!!



Bye guys!!!

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