Chapter 1

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Felix knew his was fucked. while he was in Australia visiting family, his boyfriend was left alone. He would stay up for hours on calls with hyunjin, he was an hour ahead and hyunjin would say up late working.

His nights would always end with Felix passing out on face time. then him waking up at 6am (5am Korean time) to hyunjins alarm. Felix would stay on call with him as he got ready for practice until hyunjin had to hang up. Hyunjin would always call him on his way back from work and Felix always looked forward to his calls.

Hyunjin sent little gifts to Felix from time to time, and Felix even sent a few back.

Felix was sitting in the airport, drinking his Starbucks. He told hyunjin that he'll text him when he gets on the plane just so he knows. But then, he got a random call. He looked down at the contact and saw 'darling'

Why would hyunjin call me?? It's 1pm in Korea right now...

He picked up the phone, happy to talk to him.

"Hyung! Why are you calling? You never call during the day"

"Hi baby, Im at lunch with the kids. Well not at lunch, I'm sitting in the bathroom cuz I miss you. Remember how often we all used to go out for lunch? All eight of us? I'm lonely"

Felix smiled, Crossing his legs.

"Aww it's okay, my fight leaves in a hour. I'll be home at about 10 or 11 tonight."

Hyunjin held his breath
"Tonight... That means I can see you today. I miss you so much"

"I miss you too"

Hyunjin wiped tears from his eyes sniffling softly.

"Are you okay? Hyunjin are you crying? I wanna hold you in my arms so badly. Tonight"

"Yea, yeah tonight, can we change to face time? I think the kids would love to see you"

They changed to facetime and all lix could see was hyunjin walking out of a room, what he guessed was the bathroom. He sat down by chan, a smile on his beautiful face as he joined them at the table again.


One hour later

Lix's flight got called, hyunjin could hear the speakers through the phone.

"Is that you?"
Hyunjin asked.

"Yeah, I gotta go, love you guys!"

All of them said love you to Felix, sad he had to hang up. Seungmin even jumped in frame for a moment to say bye, but hyunjin pushed him away.

"Love you hyunjin, my cutie hyunjin"
Hyunjin smiled happily.

"Awww, Hyunjins so flustered!"
He heard Jisung say from somewhere behind the camera.

"Love you too lix, have a safe flight love."

"I don't wanna hang up... I love youu!"

" You have to go lix, love you too"

"Fine, see you soon darling"

He hung up the phone and a group of girls ran up to him.

"You're Felix right? Aren't you on hiatus?"

The girls looked so happy.

Stays? Yep, their stays

"Yep, this is my flight"
Felix stood up and grabbed his stuff.

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