Chapter 2

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If you didn't run for the hills after reading chapter 1 I still feel compelled to warn you that this chapter will contain more of the same and perhaps worse than before. Please read at your own discretion.


It was early morning when Ava finally woke again. She felt a heavy arm slung over her waist, coupled with sticky skin that clung to her back and she startled awake. Immediately, she sat up in bed, pushing Eli's arm off of her as he cracked an eye open and gave her a self-satisfied look.

"How did you sleep after that?" he joked as she looked down at herself, her bruised wrists, her skin coated in sweat and cum, and felt the puddle beneath her in the bed from sleeping for hours with this man's secretions inside of her possibly impregnating her while she slept.

"Are you serious?" she asked, "You have the nerve to ask me that after what you did?"

Eli yawned and sat up. "I seem to remember you being an equal participant, you definitely seemed to be enjoying yourself."

Ava raised her hand and brought it down to slap him but he caught it, squeezing her already bruised wrist painfully until she whimpered and dropped her hand. "That's better," he coaxed, letting go at last, "Now come back to bed. I'm not ready for another round yet." In disbelief, she raised her voice, "You have lost your damn mind. I am leaving her right now and going home. After that to the police, then the nearest abortion clinic. Where do you get off—"

Her words were cut short by his hand on her mouth, "Enough," he muttered, "It took me a very long time to find you, to plan all this for you, and now you're making me angry at this impossibly early hour when we could be cuddling, or fucking, since now you've made me wake up enough that I'm thinking that might be the best way to calm you into submission."

"Submission? Do you really think you're in charge because you can slip me a roofie a couple of times and call it consent? I thought you were this sweet, nerdy guy and instead you turn out to be psychotic."

"I understand it's an adjustment for you. I devised the stimulant to help you acclimate the first few times. If I need to use it repeatedly going forward I don't know what the long-term effects of multiple daily uses are, but I guess it's a gamble we'll take."

"WE'LL take? I've heard enough of this. I'm leaving. I'll walk the street naked for all I care."

"Good luck getting through that locked door. Or the several locked doors after that."

Ava paused, looking at the keypad on the wall next to her exit. Something she had neglected to notice last night as he dragged her drugged body up the stairs and fucked her in every available orifice.

"Come back to bed," he said again, "Or I'll think this is your way of getting me primed for more fucking, which is sounding better by the minute."

"I would rather die than let you touch me again. You disgust me."

He sighed, sitting up and ruffling his hair with a yawn, "Well, have it your way," he grumbled, lunging from the bed to grab at her.

Ava dodged his hands and sprinted for the door, turning the knob to no avail. Her hands were hitting the buttons of the keypad like it might just open for her when Eli collided with her like a wall. His body crushed her against the door, her nipples scratching the indentations in the antique wood painfully.

"Now, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. I've got the stamina for both. You can come back to bed, have some more fun with me, on your own terms, or I'll throw you down on this carpet and have my way with you before breakfast. It's your choice."

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