Chapter 1-That's What Friends Do

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Raiyne's pov

"Excuse me miss." The most obnoxious patron in the diner hollers at me.

I take a deep breath, square my shoulders, and make my way over to his table. I'm hoping the look on my face is the no nonsense one I was going for.

Tonight he was eating his supper alone, although the diner was packed full. I'm sure he could have found someone to sit with, but then he wouldn't have all sorts of free time in which to harass me.

"What seems to be the problem?" I say in a clipped tone, and put my hands on my hips for good measure.

You would think that when your waitress is clearly annoyed, you would proceed with caution. But not him, he doesn't even seem fazed by my prickly behaviour.

"Well you see, I ordered a hot beef sandwich, and this beef is anything but hot." He says with a sly grin on his face. "I'm wondering if it's false advertising on your menu or if you somehow ordered the the plain roast beef sandwich and not the hot one."

It's always something with this one. I didn't get enough fries, I got to many fries, my burger isn't med rare, my milkshake isn't thick enough.

Up until now I usually just tell him to suck it up, then walk away not bothering to fix his so called problem. Today however, I've had enough. He can see the place is packed full, and I have better things to do than listen to another one of his complaints.

An evil grin spreads across my lips as I decide to try a new method to deal with him. "I'm really sorry about that" I tell him, then I whip my arm out fast towards his plate and I take the half of the sandwich that he hasn't bitten into.

I stuff a large bite into my mouth, and after chewing for a few seconds, I moan in delight at how good it is. His eyes grow wide in shock, and for once he has absolutely nothing to say.

When I've swallowed the first bite, I use my thumb and wipe up the bit of mayonnaise that was left on my lower lip. "You know something, I think your right. This isn't the hot beef." I tell him, then I saunter back behind the counter and continue eating the stolen sandwich.

The laughter that rings out through the diner drowns out whatever nasty things he was trying to yell at me.

I'm not surprised that everyone seen and heard the exchange, considering the place only has twenty tables. Plus, from where I'm standing eating his supper, everyone has a clear view of me.

"Excuse me" He yells back over to me once the diner quiets down. "Could you please come back here."

I step over to the coffee machine and pour myself one. "In one second sir, I need to get something to wash this down with." I holler over to him. I shove the last bite of his sandwich in my mouth, then once I'm done chewing I take a sip of my coffee.

On the way back to his table, I stop by the other ones to see if everything's okay. Not one person has a complaint. Weird.

Just as I pass the table where the future Alpha of our pack is sitting with his friends, he covers his plate, hiding his food with his hands. "Everythings good here Raiyne, no need to get any closer." He says with a phony look of panic on his face causing his friends to laugh.

I roll my eyes at Zarek and keep going. That male was going to make a good Alpha one day. He treats everyone equally, and never acts like he's better than us. He's also never once complained about the food he's served. Literally, not even once.

Stepping back up to the pain in the asses table, I give him my best smile. "How can I help you?"

"You know something, I don't think I want to talk to you. Please send a manager over." He firmly says.

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