Shit got serious

54 3 23

TW: violence, abuse and gore.

Eddie's POV

I brought Chrissy inside my trailer. I can tell that she's scared, and it's understandable. It's late, very dark outside, alone in a van with a guy that likes drugs. I mean, I would never do that to anyone, and I'm gay, but... It's not like I can tell her that. I still don't understand why she would want something stronger, without trying the other drugs.

I start looking for the stuff while she keeps asking me questions. There is clearly something else bugging her, but it's not my business so I'll leave it to that. I wouldn't normally make a deal like this with someone like her but she clearly looks stressed and I think this might help.

I finally find the drugs and walk back to the living room where I left Chrissy.

She was acting... Odd. Completely frozen, eyes looking up and her body unresponsive.

"Chrissy wake up!" I say, as calmly as possible. After a few failed attempts, I start actually freaking out. I shake her, clap, yell, she doesn't do anything. Her expression was dead, but I could feel something really wrong going on with her.

Suddenly she started floating. This can't be happening... This can't be real, is she playing a trick on me? This isn't funny! I walked backwards in fear as her body is projected onto the roof. Blood was dropping from her eyes, her arms started breaking, followed by her legs and jaw. I screamed as her eyes exploded with blood and her body fell limp on the floor.

This can't be real. I kept telling that to myself, sat next to the body. She was a good person, why would this happen? How, how did this happen? What just happened? I cried there for fifteen minutes, reliving everything before realizing something. Whatever happened is unexplainable, and the only person here is me. I tried getting up, still in shock, stumbling into things as I grabbed a bag. I looked over at Chrissy, her deformed face giving me shievers down my spine. She deserved better than this. I look around, I don't know if I would see this place ever again. I grabbed my bag and walked to the door.

"Goodbye Chrissy."

And I did the only thing I could think of.

I ran.

Steve's POV

"I'm sorry father..." I cried. My face was covered in blood. It ran down my cheek and mouth, mixed with tears, making a salty weird taste in my mouth. I had two cuts from around an hour ago, and bruises from just two seconds before now.

"No, I don't care. My son is not getting beaten up by some other kids. You can't even defend yourself. How can you even call yourself Harrington? You're just a disappointment." He slaps my face once again and I fall on the floor, trembling, as I tried getting up.

"Stop crying, I raised a man, not a crybaby." He kicked my stomach. I coughed blood as I tried my best not to cry, which was useless, the tears kept running. I kept mumbling to myself, not even realizing he left, until I broke down, letting my body fall on the living room floor, too scared to move. I grabbed my knees, looking for their support.

I woke up sweating. Why this again? I looked at my arm, basically glued to my chest due to the need for support. They told me it wasn't a bad injure. Only a very small one. In about three days I would be able to move it again. I had a huge headache and my nose started bleeding again.

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