Chapter Three

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"You want to do what?" Rumplestiltskin didn't change the volume of his voice, but his tone was filled with disbelief and anger. "Surely I've taught you better than this."

"Don't act like I'm being ridiculous. All I'm saying is that...."

"He's dangerous, Jessie." Charming told her, like she couldn't figure that out herself.

"All I'm saying is that leaving him in a jail would only make things worse. He's never going to trust us if we don't give him a chance." That was her rationalization.

Regina apparently disagreed. "Even if that's true, which for the record I highly doubt, who the hell would take him in? Everyone knows he's a psychopath." There was a round of nods and noises of agreement from most of group, Emma, the Charmings, Regina, Rumple and his son, Hook. Only Jessa and Henry stayed silent.

"I'll take him." Jessa shrugged, getting looks of shock and slacked jaws from the heroes. "It's not like I don't have space at my apartment."

Henry piped up. "Yeah. He can take her guest room."

"Henry, absolutely not. Jessa, if you've suddenly developed some type of "bad boy" attraction, there are plenty of other people to date. There are just as many villains as heroes in Storybrooke." Regina tried to lecture her, a scowl on the older woman's face.

"Madame Mayor." Jessa said. "Respectfully..."

She was just about to say something that wasn't very respectful when Henry interrupted her. "But she's right, we could help him! You became a good guy, so why can't he?"

Charming leaned over. "Henry, Regina is the exception, not the rule."

"Hush, Charming, listen to the child." Jessa silenced him with a tight smile. "Henry has a point." She looked to Regina while gesturing to the kid. "You know it."

Regina looked like she was going to argue, but just sighed. "I'll come over every few days. Make sure he's behaving himself. So will Gold."

"Myself as well." Captain Hook's accented voice broke through the sounds of denial from the others. "I'd like to finally put that brat in his place."

Jessa chuckled. "Disturbing sentiment, but an appreciated one, Oh Captain, My Captain." She told the handsome man with a barely smothered grin as he responded with his own. She could see where all his confidence came from. If she had his looks... "I can sense we're going to get along."

"Aye, lass. Sounds about right."

"Am I hearing this right?" Emma looked very impatient. "Jessa, he could hurt you."

She wasn't perturbed. "I'm fine. I've got you all working as glorified babysitters, don't I? Also, it's like you guys forget that I'm just as powerful as Regina."

"I could argue with them." The Evil Queen muttered.

"Well, don't. He has no help and no powers, he's useless against me. In fact, your constant worrying is making me doubt your abilities. Maybe you should have brought me to Neverland with you after all, instead of leaving me here while you have adventures." With that said, she turned on the spot and left the room.

Regina and Emma looked at each other, certain that their young friend was in over her head. But also certain that there would be no way to stop her.

This is a shorter chapter, so here's a Killian/Captain Hook edit that my friend made, go show them some support.

Their Wattpad is disastrousicarus if you wanna read some of their stuff.

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