Chapter 3 - The Prophets of Truth

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A horse galloped into School Town with no rider, it had been running for two days before arriving. It continued through the streets till he reached a blacksmith shop then neighed violently, disturbing the neighborhood. "Yáo?" said Xing as she came out and saw the horse. She was twelve years old and was wearing a craftsman uniform. Her short black and blond hair glittered with sweat as her green eyes looked curiously around. "What are you doing here?" Yáo continued to jump and kicked as he panicked more while Xing tried to comfort the horse.

"Easy, boy, easy." stated Lord Tyron as he came out as well. He grabbed his reins as the horse calmed down. "Now where's my nephew?" he asked, the horse shook his head and whimpered.

"What happened, uncle?" asked Xing.

"Zhōng is in trouble," said Lord Tyron, leading the horse to the back.

"Mr. Fields!" called someone from the front of the shop.

"Coming!" replied Lord Tyron, he tied up Yáo and went back inside the shop with Xing following. "What can I help you with? Your majesty?" he said as he realized who called him.

"So it appears my daughter's message is true, Lord Tyron and Former Princess Xing, you're under arrest." declared Empress Wēi. Guards sprang into action grabbing them before they could react.

"How did you find us?" asked Lord Tyron.

"You can thank your nephew for that." replied Empress Wēi.

"You have him as well?" asked Xing in shock.

"No, but he told my daughter who wrote to me, they're searching for him now," said Empress Wēi.

The guards began dragging them outside as Lord Tyron said, "You mean you don't have him but he told them about us?" Either this was a game or a way for them to flee from the empire.

"He'll come to us, now that we have both of you." said Empress Wēi.

Suddenly a messenger arrow hit the paved street in front of the guards. They looked around to see where it came from but saw no one. A guard picked up the arrow and opened the message, "Come to where your daughter is camping with Lord Tyron, from there we'll take you to the lying former prince." he read.

"Who wrote this?" asked Empress Wēi.

"It doesn't say, your majesty," replied the guard handing the letter to the empress.

"Whoever this person is, your majesty, I'm sure they have him." stated Lord Tyron.

"They?" questioned the empress, looking up at him from the message.

"No one alone can beat my nephew." stated Lord Tyron. "There's more of them, and the person that shot it is one of them."

Lord Tyron, Empress Wēi, and six guards arrived where her daughter was camping just two days later. Captain Howin, was surprised by the speed it took them and went quickly to greet them. "Your majesty," he greeted.

"Where are they?" asked Empress Wēi.

"I sent Lord Zào and Miss Jane home with a few of my guards as their escort. The rest were still looking for the former prince before they showed up. Then we all took turns watching the princess." summarized Captain Howin.

"And where is she?" asked Empress Wēi.

"She's been in her tent since they arrived, it was an uncomfortable feeling for them to look at her." replied Captain Howin.

"If I may, who are they?" asked Lord Tyron, a question that was on his mind.

"They claim they are part of a religion to find the lies to expose the truth." answered Captain Howin.

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