Chapter-14 How Dare You Do This To My Chopper...!

Start from the beginning

"Ohhhh, No...
I'm...I'm really Sorry, Ms.Robin..!
I swear to god that that was not personal. So Please stay down." Shire says with genuine voice with a concerned look,

"Sorry Shire..!
But i see no other way to bring Zoro back to us..." Robin says getting up,

You really care about him, don't you..?" Shire ask with a smile,

"More that you know..!" Robin says getting ready to fight,

Why do i have to meet my Brother's Girlfriend in a shitty situation like that..? If only i get to meet you on a peaceful circumstance... Damn, it..!
I really wanna get to know you more..
Especially on how my brother fall head over heels for you...
Considering how brooding and Egotistical my big brother is,
It's something i never thought would ever be possible..." Shire says with an irritated look.

"He talk to you about me..?" Robin ask with a slight smile on her corner lips,

"Ofcourse he does...
I mean not much but He said he used to feel leftout and so much lonely even being among his Nakamas...
But that changed when he gets to spend more time with you...
He said he never admitted it before but he never wanted to be away from you even for a moment.
He felt something special like magical when you two hold hands while walking together and your occasional hugs make him go crazy.
He usually don't talk much but anything but he says a lot of things about you with a smile..." Shire says with a smile,

Robin felt a little better knowing all this but she remembered she still have to fight Shire. Robin snatched this opening and summoned hands to hold Shire..

"What in the...?
I look like Goro From Mortal Kombat..! Except i got way more arms than Goro..
And in weird places...
Grrrrrr...I can't move..!" Shire says struggling to move,

"I don't wanna hurt you, Shire..
So please, give up..." Robin warned Shire with a concerned look,

"Unfortunately, i am a Roronoa too...
If you know Zoro,
You'd already knew that we Roronoas don't and never surrender...
Consider this as a manufacturing default..." Shire says striking pinpoint attacks on her hands making it disappear,

"Tch...You don't say..
I hate that thing about you Roronoas.
So stubborn.." Robin says with an annoyed look as she can feel the pain from Shire's accurate hits as she step back.

Shire used this to his advantage as he rush forward to attack her.
Robin remember something Zoro thought her long ago when he was teaching her some fighting moves.

As soon as Shire was at her arm's lenth,
She dodged his right hook and grab his arm,
Throwing him over her shoulder and pinning him to the ground face down.

"I'm really sorry, Shire...
I like you, you seem like a funny guy.
And i do really hope we should've met in a different situation so i get to know more about you too....
But i have to go now..
I hope we meet again." Robin says as she pinned him down.

"Aww man...!
I wish i had devil fruit powers too..!
This sucks" Shire can't move,

Robin smiled at Shire's funny way of taking things and talking to him make her feel a lot comfortable like talking to a little brother. She giggled a bit at Shire's Sense of humer but a kick landed on her gut making her throw away.The hands in Shire disappeared,

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