☆Chapter Eleven☆

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               °•° Bubble Baths °•°

When Mr. Blackbourne and I arrived in the living room--only Kota, Victor, Nathan and Silas were there. I gulped slightly but smiled, "Hey." I smiled before glancing up at Mr. Blackbourne who looked down at me with an approving smile.

"Where are the others?" Mr. Blackbourne asked as he sat down with me in his lap.
I could have kissed him when he pulled a blanket over my bare legs--concealing them from the hungry eyes of the four men opposite of us.

"When they heard Brett was coming over for the night--Gabriel dragged the rest to get her clothes." Kota spoke, the corner of his lip rising slightly in a smile.
"Oh dear," Mr. Blackbourne sighed and took his hands off of my hips to loosen his tie, his fingers expertly untying the knot. I couldn't help but imagine Mr. Blackbourne tying me up with his discarded tie-- shut the fuck up Brett!

"When will Gabriel be back?" I spoke up quietly my eyes glancing between the five men in the room. Victor smiled, "He'll be here soon. Come with me?" He asked coming closer to me. I smile and allowed him to pick me up.

What is with these men and carrying me? But for some odd reason I loved it. Even with them not knowing me that well, they still took care of me.

I giggled and waved over Victor's shoulder as he walked out of the living room--leaving the three of them to watch us leave with a endearing smile.
"Where are we going?" I spoke up softly, looking up at him while I admired the beauty of his fire eyes.

"You'll see," He winked down at me as I giggled.

Giggled? What the hell was happening to me?

"Here we are my love!" He spoke, gently setting me down on a piano bench. My hands ached to press down on the black and white keys--but I controlled my urges while he took a seat beside me.

I stared, starstruck as he placed his lean long fingers on the keys and started playing.
Within the first few notes I recognized the song he was playing.

River Flows in You by Yiruma. One of my favorite pieces apart from Claire De Lune.
As the sweet notes rung out around the room, I took myself and Victor by surprise as I took over for him--speeding up the tempo of the song as it progresses.
"Oh my god." Victor muttered, transfixed on my face as my fingers flew over the keys in a frenzy.

A smirk inched its way on my face as I heard his breathless amazement. Who knew playing the piano would get him aroused? Eh, every person is different.

I'll keep that in mind for a later date.

"You continue to amaze us, my love." Victor smiled and pressed a searing kiss to my forehead.

"I'm full of surprises!" I smiled up at him--watching as the flames in his eyes grew brighter.

"C'mon Brett! Let's get you away from this fucker before he jumps you!" Gabriel cackled watching as Victor flew away from me, cheeks burning.

"Damn it Gabe! When did you get here?" Victor panted, clutching his chest.

"Long enough!" He smirked as he leaned back, crossing his arms over his torso. "Gabriel!" I squealed excitedly with a huge grin.

So far, out of all of the boys--Gabriel was the one I was most comfortable with. I'd know him longest.

"I missed you too trouble. Now, are you going to tell us what made Owen so mad?" He asked, coming closer and rubbed his thumb over my red cheek.

"W-What do you mean?"

"I think you know what we mean my love." Victor warned with a smirk on his plump lips. I gulped; was I going to admit to them where Mr. Blackbourne found me?

...Fuck no.

"Nope." I popped with a grin watching as the grins on their faces melted into a glare. "Gabriel, can I get my clothes? I feel uncomfortable in this skirt." I winced but didn't cower under their heated gazes.

"S-sure." Gabriel cleared his throat, before handing me my bag he seemed to have pulled from think air. "Thanks--wait--" My breath got caught in my throat as I look at the bag. The bag that was at home. Not at Erica's house.

"Did you tell Gramps?"

I dreaded the answer. Gramps would fucking kill me.

"He was at the hospital when we arrived. Luke snuck in your room and picked out some clothes."

From the smirk on Gabriel's face--Luke more than likely went through my underwear drawer. My cheeks burned as I shifted through the bag--seeing lacy lingerie sets and some silk pajama sets--like the pair I wore when I smacked Luke with a pancake.

"I started a bath for you in Owen's room--he has the biggest tub in the house." Gabriel smiled sweetly before sweeping me up in his arms. I smiled sleepily and snuggled into his neck.

"Thank you for playing a song my prince." I mumbled. Victor smiled and kissed the top of my hand, "Anything for you, my love." He replied, following Gabriel as he carried me from the room. Before we entered the living room; I heard North's loud voice.

"What the fuck!? Do you mean to tell us that Brett--Brett was at that nightclub?" He rumbled loudly that made me stand to attention. I gulped, "Is--Is there any way to hide me from him? He sounds mad." I whimpered, hiding my face.

"North wouldn't dare yell at you." Victor smirked, "He's too soft for that."

"He looks anything but soft to me." I shot back, hugging Gabriel around the neck tightly, hiding myself. Gabriel and Victor laughed loudly as they walked into the room, causing all the conversations to come to a halt.

"Is she sleeping?" Mr. Blackbourne asked. I relaxed slightly to carry out the act of fake sleeping.

"Not in the slightest." Victor laughed as my mouth dropped open in betrayal. I gulped loudly, dear heavenly Christ...here it comes.

"Brett?" North rumbled right into my ear causing me to jump and scream.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" I screeched jumping a little too much causing Gabriel to grip me to him tighter. My wild eyes glared right at North, who smirked.

"What the hell was that for you prick! You scared the piss out of me!" I accused, raising my chin to glare into his eyes.

North didn't say anything or do anything but take off his leather jacket, throw it on the sofa before easily picking me up by gripping underneath my arms. Like a fucking baby. He continued to offend me further by setting me on his hip and walking out of the room.

My eyes widened as I begged for help--and the fuckers in the room only laughed.

"North! Let me down!" I commanded, wiggling wildly to try to shake off his arms.

"Stop moving." He shot back gruffly--darkly as he climbed the stairs.

"Then let me down!" I spoke up bitchily. Why did this shit have to happen to me? North didn't reply but smirked before his large hand smacked down on my ass before he moved me so that I was pressed against the muscular torso as he walked.

I hid my face into his neck and admired his tattoos.

Why did his warm hands on my bare thighs feel so good? I bit my lip as I wound my legs around his waist. "Careful, Brett." North warned darkly as he opened a dark chestnut colored door.

"But it feels good." I quietly whine as he carried me into the bathroom. By this time--I was surprisingly--very aroused.

"I know baby," North whispered, his face getting closer to mine, "Soon."

The word was an unspoken promise. North sat me down on the counter before he leaned down and cut off the water. By the time we had made it to the bathroom--the tub was two thirds full. Perfect.

A smile broke out across my face as I saw the bubbles and rose petals in the water. Gabriel is the absolute best.

The men always seemed to take care of me. Why? I didn't know for sure. But the one thing I did know for sure; was that I was falling for them.


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