Story Break Down .

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Hello !

This chapter will consist of me explaining this story to you so you have more understanding of what will be going on !

So let's make this quick, shall we ?

Who is William Kaplan ?

➪ William Kaplan, better known as Billy or Wiccan, is the soul son of the Scarlet Witch, along with his twin brother Tommy. Billy is the main character of this story

( This story consists of many side characters so please bare with me. )

What will this story  focus on ?

➪ This story will just consist of Billy Kaplan in daily life. Which may sound boring, but mind you; he is a superhero, and one who gets himself into trouble a lot, so I wouldn't say his life is "boring".

➪ The main topics of this story will focus around Billy's struggles, flash backs, love, missions, and much more.

How would I describe it ?

➪ Though this is not a one shot story it is going to seem like one, though all these stories are in someway connected, therefore I'd say it's more like a tv show.

What will this story not be focusing on ?

➪ This story will not consist of original characters or any "y/n" type gist.
Not that I don't like those types of stories that is just not wanting I'm going for since this story will basically be cannon.

Trigger Warnings ?

( I will also put warnings in the beginning of the chapters that consist of these topics so no need to worry. )

✘ Self hatred

✘ Anxiety / Panic Attacks

✘ Sexual Activity

✘ Bullying

✘ Homophobia

✘ Excessive Cursing

✘ Negative Self Care

✘ Blood

✘ Death

✘ Yelling

Side Characters ?

( The characters listed down below will be in the majority of the chapters. Some may even be in all, or at least mentioned in all.
Honestly I wouldn't necessarily call some of them side characters, I just don't know what other labels to give them. )

☺︎︎Teddy Altman — Hulkling

☺︎︎Tommy Shepherd — Speed

☺︎︎Wanda Maximoff — The Scarlet Witch

☺︎︎Pietro Maximoff — Quicksilver

☺︎︎Agatha Harkness — Prof. Emeritus Harkness

☺︎︎Stephen Strange — Doctor Strange

☺︎︎Erik Lehnsherr — Magneto

☺︎︎Kate Bishop — Hawkeye

☺︎︎Eli Bradley — Patriot

☺︎︎Noh-Varr — Marvel Boy

☺︎︎David Alleyne — Prodigy

︎︎☺︎America Chavez — Miss America

☺︎︎Kid Loki

Romantic Relationships ?

❥ Billy and Teddy — Wiccan and Hulkling

❥ Tommy and David — Speed and Prodigy

❥ America and Kate — Miss America and Hawkeye

Special Guests ?

☆ Matt Murdock — Daredevil

☆ Tony Stark — Ironman

☆ Thor Odinson — Thor

☆ Loki Laufeyson — God of Mischief |
( not kid loki )

☆ Steve Rogers — Captain America

☆ Charles Xavier — Professor X

☆ Scott Summers — Cyclops

☆ Bobby Drake — Iceman

☆ Franklin Richards — Powerhouse

Everything else will be included on the next chapter .

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