Walking into stranger's

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The picture is what she looks like

Y/n's POV
I look up to who I just ran into while dad and papa look at me wondering why I stopped walking.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" the girl says to me.
"O-oh it's okay I-I wasn't paying attention." I managed to stutter out. I never do stutter so I have no idea why I did that.

"That would make two of us." the girl chuckles
I laugh a little to but I'm just mesmerized by this beautiful girl. Her hair is a light orange her eyes a grey-ish blue. She was wearing some cute small frog earrings but the thing that caught my attention the most we're her lips. Wow, I could see myself kissing them for hours on end.

Wait what did I just say. wtf am I thinking it's just a random girl. I don't even know her name and I'm thinking about kissing her. I think for a bit longer but I had to snap out of my thoughts and talk to her. Though I don't know what brought these thoughts. But I don't want them to go away.

Amari's POV
Well that hurted. This girl looks very startled I can't blame her though it didn't kind of happen all of a sudden. Is she starting to stutter? Is she doing that because she's scared. It's a bit cute though. She's very attractive- wait I can't think that well not anymore. Wait is she staring at my lips? Oh she's so adorable. I don't know why I'm thinking this I don't even know her name. Maybe I should get her number? She might not even want to know me.

Aizawa's POV
Me and Hizashi both look back at our daughter and this other girl. Is Jaxs starting to stutter? this never happens she's always confident and ready for anything and she has ran into people many times before because she's so clumsy so what's different now. Wait is- does my daughter have a crush on this random girl? That can't be right love at first sight is not real I mean look at me and Hizashi. But it might have been for him but not me.

Y/n's POV
"Umm I should get going." I say in a panicked voice.
"Right."she says also snapping out of your thoughts.
" I'm Amari by the way. "the sweet girl says walking past me. Amari what a beautiful name
"Oh I umm."  I pause for a second am I forgetting my own name. " I'm Jaxs" I say a bit louder so she can hear me. Well at least now I know her name I think to myself turning around to see my dad's looking at me confused and my brother kissing Denki. I try to avoid talking to my dad's so I just run up to Denki and hug him.

"Looks like someone missed me too" kaminari said with a laugh in his voice.
"Yeah you could say that" I say in a worried tone
"Umm... Och" Denki says with a fake hurt expression on his face.
"I just don't want to talk to dad's because I just now ran into this random girl and made an complete fool of myself for no reason. I was shuttering and messing up my words I don't get it"
"Well that's strange but do you think you might be in love or something? " Denki says looking at me concerned interested to hear what I was going to say next.

"What I don't think so." I say letting go of Denki looking at him weird. It's not like I'm against lgbtq+ people my brother and dads are gay so I could care less but what if he's right. That's what scared me the most. But I'm not , right?
"Whatever let's just go to class" Hitoshi says getting me and him out of the conversation that was starting to scare the both of us. But that's just because he's over protective of me.

We get to the classroom and Hitoshi is late because he was walking with us and he goes to class 1-B and most of his class is in there while kid's from my class are just starting to walk in.
"Dad I'll be right back I have to go to the bathroom"
"Okay be quick" dad says. I start walking down the hallway and take out my phone from my back pocket and I turn the corner eyes still glued to my phone. Then I bump into someone. Great the day bearly started and I'm already messing up.

I look up to see who it is and it's the girl Amari again. I just can't get a break can I?
"Oh,it's you "she says in a surprised but not rude voice.
"Yup that's me." 'yup'? are you serious pull yourself together. She just smiles at me and I feel the conversation getting weird. I think I should ask her a question. That's what I always do in a weird situation.
"So what class ate you in?"
"Class 1-A ate you?"
Oh great I won't be able to pay attention in class now
"Are you in there? " she's asked me as I was spacing out.
"Yeah I'm in there. "
"Oh nice I'll see you there then."

She says with the cutest smile on her face. I have no clue why I'm thinking about this she's just a normal person calm down Jaxs it's not like she a goddess or something.
"I guess so." I said as I sprinted into the bathroom in embarrassment.  Then I ran back to the classroom while my dad was talking to my new classmates.

Was It Luck? Azawa's daughter x lesbian girlOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant