Will Background

Começar do início

After Seeing His Father Figure Die Right Before his Eyes,he Soon Became More Cold And rude And Spoke More Vulgar But Deep Down,He just Wanted to be left alone after losing the Only One he Could Have Called 'Family' But One Day After Landing In a Weird place,he Meets a Shy Girl Named Echo who really Wanted a friend,So he did But he didn't Really Hang Out with her but eventually,he did but They Both Felt Something Unique like Never before And Soon,They Found themselves kissing and apologized To each other but they Went on more these And kissed A lot and they both Learned it was Something called "Love" but He wasn't Sure But He felt like wanted To Explore This More.

So After 3 Years with Echo, He Decided to Finally Tie The Knot And Propose To Her To which With tears In her Eyes,She said 'Yes' But Their Wedding Was......Interrupted As Echo Was Stabbed In The Heart With A Holy Blade And while she gave her Dying Breathe,She Teared As She And Will Shared One Last Kiss Before Her Final Breathe as Will Screamed In Despair and Agony From Losing his Wife and Vowed to Make her Murderer regret killing Her.

Years Past and Will Stayed In His Sector Looking Back on All The Mistakes he Made or how The People who He Cared About Always Die,So will Believed It would be better for him to stay Alone for all Eternity Than To have another loved One Die......Until

NinjaComix,Leader Of The Guardians Arrives in Front Of Will surprising him As He asked can he Help Him And Says That he is Here to recruit him Which Surprised Him But NinjaComix Said That He Didn't have To,if I Don't Want to but Will Thought About Everything He's Been Through And How He Lost His Father Figure And His Wife....So,He looked at NinjaComix and Said That He'll Join The Guardians As Comix  Smiled and Said Welcome to the Team.

After becoming a Guardian,Will Became A Completely Different Person As Well As Stronger And He Made Allies And Friends With Other Author Gods And Eventually,Through Some Way, He Found Echo Alive and When He did,he Hugged Her And Promised To Never Let her Go Again EVER And His forms Prove It.

Will's Forms(Similar To Assault Mode,Could Be His Assault Mode):

Stage 1:

Stage 2:

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Stage 2:

Stage 3:

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Stage 3:

Stage 4:

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Stage 4:

These Are Will's Forms But He Uses Limiters to Restrict him From Using it And keep To About only Access Form 1 And 2 but he'll take them Off, if the Situation Calls For It

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These Are Will's Forms But He Uses Limiters to Restrict him From Using it And keep To About only Access Form 1 And 2 but he'll take them Off, if the Situation Calls For It.



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Good Music:

The Y/N Multiverse(Real World Reader) 2:Multiple MultiversesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora