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❥Fumikage Tokoyami's POV...

I slowly brought my hand up to touch his.

"It's you..y-your the traitor..."

Shouji sighed and grabbed my hand. "Yes. I am."

I looked down. "Why?"

Shouji huffed, clearly annoyed at the question I just asked him. "I just am. Why do I need a reason?"

I glared up at him. "I know you Mezo, you wouldn't just become a villain!"

Shouji chuckled a little as he lent back. "But do you actually know me Fumi? I mean how well did you really know me?"

I turned my head, looking back towards Hawks who was looking at me worriedly. I sighed. I mean it was a good question. Did I actually know him at all? The Mezo I knew would never want to hurt me... or anyone.

Was it all a lie? Everything I thought I knew about him?

I looked back towards him. He was looking at me with a cold gaze. He looked like the Mezo I knew. But did I ever really know him?

Shouji sighed. "We should get goin-"

"Tell me why."

Shouji's cold stare turned to a look of confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Tell me why you led me on."


I glared at him. "Tell me why you even got with me in the first place!"

Shouji looked to the side, huffing as he did so. "For information."

A pained smile came upon my face as I heard Hawks shout something from behind me.

Shouji just looked at me blankly. "On him to be exact," he pointed at Hawks which caused him to stop talking.

I looked back at the wide eyed pro. "W-What," he stuttered out seemingly just as confused as me.

Dabi chuckled a little as he pulled Hawks closer to him. "He was using your kid, because of you birdy."

Hawks just stared at me, his eyes pleaded with me to forgive him.

I looked back at Shouji. He had an annoyed look at his face. "You were interning with the number two pro hero," he chuckled a little before continuing, "I couldn't help myself Fumi!"

Dabi laughed from behind us. "Though apparently we didn't need you, because I myself was able to get the information out of the pretty bird."

I glared venomously at Shouji, no he definitely wasn't the man I knew. The Mezo I knew would never use me, would never hurt me.

But I couldn't help but want him.

Want him to wrap his arms around me and whisper sweet things into my ear

I wanted him to hug me, kiss me, love me.

I wanted him to be the Mezo I knew.

Dabi huffed after a couple of minutes of silence between us. "Can we kill the bird yet?"

My eyes widened as I looked back at the flame wielder. "W-What..?"

Hawks' bruised eyes widened as much as they could. He looked panicked, worried, scared. I've never seen him like this. He was usually so confident, assured that he could win.

But that usual attitude was gone, replaced by a tearful, broken man. He grabbed a hold of Dabi's jacket, letting out pained pleas.

I looked back at the frozen in place Shouji.

Dabi pushed Hawks' off, causing him to fall back with a quiet thud. "Kid. Answer me."

Shouji shook his head a little before finally saying actual words. "No. Boss wants them alive, remember?"

Dabi laughed manically. "The boss doesn't have to know. And I'm having a craving for burnt chicken." He slammed his foot down on the already beaten chest of the boy below him.

I flinched a little at the sound of bones cracking. But Shouji just rolled his eyes.

"No. We're not killing either of them. Stop fucking Hawks up more then you already have."

Dabi growled. "Why the fuck would I listen to you? You're a fucking kid!"

Shouji huffed. "Shut up and get off of him."

I looked back a little as Dabi moved his foot off of Hawks' chest. "You're no fun. Bitch."

Shouji stood up, pulling me up as he did so. He held me close to his chest.

It was the same chest I had felt myself against so many times before. But something about it felt wrong. Felt tainted.

I huffed and pushed him away from me.

He sighed but didn't try and keep me in place.

I looked back at Hawks. He was lying on the ground unconscious. He looked close to death.

Dabi stood over him. He looked.. kinda remorseful. Dabi huffed and picked up Hawks off the ground.

He glared at me when he noticed me staring. "The fuck do you want?"

I glanced away quickly, instead looking back at Shouji. "So what now?"

Shouji crossed his arms. He close his tired eyes before answering. "Boss wants both you and Hawks taken back to the base. I don't know what he wants with you two."

I crossed my arms. "Are we gonna die Shouji?"

Shouji sighed. "Like I said I don't know what he's gonna do to you."

Shouji sent me down on the couch gently. In my drugged up state I clanged onto his jacket. "Don't leave..please."

Shouji sighed and sat down besides me. "You don't want me to stay. You really don't."

I slowly let go of his jacket, letting him walk off.

I looked over to the chair beside me where Hawks lied.


He let out a pained moaned but other than that no noises came out of him.

I tried to sit up but couldn't move much of my body.

As I stared at the broken body of my mentor I felt my world shatter.

How was I so blind?

How did I not realize?

I let him in, I let him get close. And he betrayed me. He fucking betrayed me.

I trusted him and HE FUCKING BETRAYED ME!

I slammed my fist down on the wornout couch, tears rolling down my face.

I slowly sat up, a hand over my bruised chest. "H-Hawks.."

"H-Hawks please tell me you're still alive.."

It was silence for a couple of minutes before a soft cough could be heard.

"H-Hey," he coughed once more; small amounts of blood splattered over his hand. "F-Fumi.."

I smiled slightly. "Hi."

He turned on this side. He looked terrified, but he still had a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry Haw-,"

"Keigo Takami."

I stared at him confused for a few seconds. "W-What?"

His smile widened a little as he looked at me softly. "M-My name, it's Keigo T-Takami."

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So uh.... I can explain?

I got very busy and forgot to finish this chapter. And I honestly didn't know what the fuck I was doing. But take this.

Next chapter will hopefully be out soon.

Word Count: 1143

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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