"well, you guys wanna race?" "sure but whoever loses has to buy the other two dinner!" "oh y'all are on."


"well i guess we're all buying each other's dinner." before we could continue our discussion, the new examiners for the second phase announced that it would be cooking. now i wasnt the best cook, but i did make some pretty alright meals back at home when we didn't have much money to spare.

"oh hades! i forgot to introduce you to my other friends. this is kurapika-" he pointed at a blond man with an even more interesting outfit, then pointed at an old man in a suit. "and this is leorio!" "nice to meet you." "likewise, my name is hades." "would you like to hunt for pork with us?" i nodded in agreement and went on with them, making sure to grab ingredients along the way.


seeing as menchi had failed all of us, we were now on split mountain watching her demonstrate how to collect the eggs. I may have gotten carried away and jumped down onto the webs before anyone, soon being followed by gon, killua, kurapika, and leorio. right before the web snapped we all jumped down securing our position to continue on as hunter exam applicants.


     i know i told tonpa i don't care about his rookie crushing antics, but god he was getting on my nerves. "you know that if you sleep you'll miss our arriv-" "god do you ever shut the fuck up." sighing, i hit tonpa in the back of the head. not enough to knock him out, but enough to make him bite his tongue. "i'm sorry about him. please go on, i'll personally wake you up if you happen to over sleep." leorio and kurapika thanked me as i made my exit to find gon and killua. as i was making my way thru the halls of the blimp, i decided to take a seat for a bit and write down my suspicions about the four. im not sure normal friends do this, but it was alright in my eyes.

"i'll start off with gon. he's a nice kid, he really is, but i don't think he's aware of his surroundings. the boy's guard is down 24/7 and that could cause a bit of a problem. nonetheless, he's a good kid and i hope we continue our friendship for many years to come." i smiled abt reminiscing on the few moments i've had with my new friends

"now onto kurapika, he certainly seems nice but i can't help guessing there's a built up rage inside of him. he's kind, and kept to himself. he speaks pretty sophisticated, sounds like we could get along well."

"i don't have much to say about leorio right now, he's a bit ..how to put this, interesting, but i'll learn more about him in the time to come. a bit odd the old man is hanging about with a bunch if teenagers however."

"finally killua. he's a bit cold to me, acts like he doesn't trust me. i can tell the difference when he looks at gon vs me. he's softer when speaking w gon, like he cares about him. however, he speaks to me like i'm a liability, something he's meaning to ditch later on in the path. hell he's even kinder w kurapika and leorio. its like he's against something about me, but i'm sure we've never met. though his aura does feel oddly familiar. could it be that-"

just as i was finishing my thoughts about killua, i heard the kitchen door open behind me, and was met with the faces of gon and killua being kicked out for taking food. "oh, hey. i was looking for you guys." they took a seat next to me, quickly shoving my notebook back in my bag. "hey, so i was wondering.. where are you guys parents?" gon asked looking to his right where killua and i sat. "oh they're alive." "mine too" killua agreed "well what do they do?"

"they're assassins."

"both of them?" gon wasnt phased at all. neither was i, simply just confirming my thoughts. killua went on about how his mother freaked out and he slashed her face and stuff and plans on one day collecting the bounty put on their heads. "and what about yours hades?" "oh, uh theyre just farmers." i rubbed the back of my head giving and awkward smile to the boy. "having farmer parents gained you all those bandages?" killua questioned. as i looked into his eyes my fake smile dropped. "oh ha, i'm not a very good kid" i laughed again.

killua looked like he was going to question me further before being interrupted by the old man. as they were discussing the ball game i thought about what killua said. he knows something, i have to conceal myself better. "hades? hello?? are you gonna join us? we could become hunters instantly!" gon spoke with excitement laced in his voice. "i'll pass, but i'll come and watch you guys."

     after two hours, neither of them had made very much progress against the old man. i sighed watching gon pass out, killua had left a bit ago. "hades, you should try now." the chairman broke me out of my thoughts. "sure, but i'm going to have to make this quick. id like to put gon in a proper bed." the chairman agreed and picked the ball back up. the geezer held his head high. 'i dont know why i'm doing this.' i sighed and lunged at the ball, picking up gon in the matter of a second. "here ya go old man." i tossed the ball back at him and carried on my way out the door.


     "how long have we beeen stuck here waiting for someone?" "2 hours" i sighed. remembering i had cerberus with me, i opened my bag and pulled her out. "you have a cat with you??!" leorio exclaimed. "well yes, i couldn't just leave her for-" "WE'VE BEEN STUCK DOWN HERE FOR TWO HOURS AND YOURE WORRIED ABOUT A CAT??" "well yeah i-" suddenly tonpa fell through the ceiling which scared cerberus onto my shoulder.

    "you've got to be fucking kidding me." i groaned realizing i was stuck with him for 3 days.


     "leorio are you fucking serious? u made us lose just to cope a feel?!" i grabbed him by the collar and pulled him down to my height. "such a creepy old man." "i'm a teenager like you!" "what." i dropped leorio instantly. our conversation ceased instantly when we saw the phantom troupe tattoo on the blue man kurapika was fighting. "that's not a real phantom troupe member." i muttered. "really? how do you know?" before i could explain,, kurapika rambled on. "yeah, what he said, plus a spider wouldn't be stupid enough to get themselves arrested. "

"well then, i guess it's my turn" as killua stepped onto the platform, a large pale man emerged from the dark hall the prisoners were in. "itsthat guy !" leorio gasped telling killua to just accept defeat. he went on to explain how the guy killed people with his bare hands. "his grip was infamous" "pfft-" i tried to conceal my laugh but i couldn't bear it. next thing i knew killua had the blonds heart in his hand before the man could even bat an eye. "i'm sorry but it looks like he's holding his ballsack." "hades. what." "oh would you look at that it's my turn gotta go i said nothing!"

killua returned after placing the man's heart in his hand. i removed my bag and made my way onto the platform. "so, what are we doing?" i watched the ground as i rolled up my sleeves preparing for whatever came at me.

"it's been a while huh, hasnt it hades?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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