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royal sisters except Fluttershy: You're in what 

The five mares shouted at the edge of Fluttershy's bed the very next morning 

Fluttershy: In love, with Discord 

Rainbow went in her face 

Rainbow Dash: But-how-why 

Fluttershy: It just happened, and honestly, girls, I think I've been in love with him ever since I helped him get out that prison, I've just only realized it until now 

Rarity: But sweetie, he's not even the same species as you 

Fluttershy: Spike's a dragon, and Applejack fell for him and neither of you are telling her to move on 

There was silence until Pinkie broke it 

Pinkie Pie: Ooh, she's got a point 

AJ suddenly chuckled 

Applejack: That she does, Pinkie, that she does 

She went to sit next to Fluttershy 

Applejack: I don't care, just as long as he doesn't hurt ya 

Twilight: You're sure 

Fluttershy: Very sure 

Twilight: Well, we may not entirely approve, but we will trust your judgment and if he's willing to protect you, then that's all that matters to us 

Rainbow Dash: But if he screws up 

Rainbow rubbed her hooves 

Rainbow Dash: You know who to call 

Fluttershy: I'm sure it won't come to that 

She reminisced of the previous night when she kissed him quite a few times 

Twilight: Alright, now that we all have admitted we have special someponies in our lives, we need a way to convince Mother to let us chose when to marry at our own time 

Rarity: Absolutely, but can it wait, I have to meet with Fancy Pants after breakfast 

Pinkie Pie: And I promise to go see Cheese so we can get his joke shop back to being fun 

Rainbow Dash: Soarin and I were going to do some cloud busting before he has to go back to Cloudsdale in a couple of days 

Fluttershy: And I've got to feed my animals 

Twilight: Alright, you guys go on ahead, I'm going to keep looking up a book that might help us out of this mess 

They nodded and headed out the door, when breakfast was done with, Twilight was taking out books with Spike, who was making a list for them to remember where the books should go back, as much as she was keeping to her objective, she wanted to find out if Spike did have feelings for her sister Applejack now that she had feelings for him, but since he went all out the other day to help Applejack, it seemed possible, she carefully approached the subject by asking a question 

Twilight: So, did you have a hard day yesterday 

Spike: Somewhat, but AJ and I got through it 

He said that in almost dreamy way, Twilight smirked 

Twilight in her mind: AJ, uh 

Twilight: Well, that's good to hear, at least you won't be too exhausted to help me out 

Spike sighed: No siree, although, I'm really going to miss laundry duty 

Twilight slowly: O-kay 

She was obviously missing something, but she decided to let it go and continued with her book findings 

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