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Twilight was aimlessly looking for books and out of frustration 

Twilight groaned: Ugh, Spike, of all the days had to leave me to go help Applejack instead, I was hoping to find way to prove to Mother that having an arranged marriage for us isn't a good idea  

She set down another book that wasn't going to help her and decided to take a break, she set a hoof out of the library, but soon bumped into some pony, but it wasn't just any pony, it was the pony she been seeing every night before she went bed, or in the case of last night that she met with him before going into the magical underground kingdom 

Twilight gasped: Flash 

Flash Sentry beamed: Twily, didn't think I would see you on this side of the castle 

Twilight: That's because, I'm 

She quickly thought of a good excuse 

Twilight: I'm with the princess  

Flash Sentry: The youngest one, the one you're friends with 

 Twilight: That's right 

She nervously chuckled while blushing 

Flash Sentry: Wow, think maybe I can see her 

He leaned his head over her to look inside the library seeing if the "princess" was there, but she blocked his view 

Twilight: Oh no, you can't, she's, she's much too busy, preparing to get married you know 

Flash Sentry: Oh yeah, I've heard about that, I feel so sorry for the princesses, to never have the chance to find a very special some pony 

Twilight to herself: Tell me about it 

Flash Sentry: Well, at least you're lucky, being the princess's lady's maid and all, such laws don't apply to you 

Twilight: Oh, right, of course 

She did a forced smile 

Twilight in her mind: I wish that was true, if I was actually a lady's maid, then I could be free to myself around you instead of always hiding the truth 

She sighed loudly and that got his attention 

Flash Sentry with concern: Is, everything alright 

She gave him a solemn face 

Twilight: No, no everything's not alright, in fact, everything's all wrong 

She sniffled and started running away 

Flash Sentry: Wha, Twily 

He called out to her, but she did not respond or come back, by early afternoon, Applejack cheered while finishing putting clean sheets on a bed 

Applejack: Hee-haw, that's the fastest I've ever gotten anything done 

Spike took hold of an empty basket 

Spike: I told you we would make things easier if we worked together 

Applejack: Land sakes, I can't believe I didn't listen to you sooner, you are so good at finishing the job so quickly 

Spike blushed: Aw, it's nothing, you did most of the heavy work anyway 

Applejack: Still, I never could get with my cleaning duties done so early, do, do you want to do something before preparing for dinner 

His face lit up 

Spike: Sure, what is it you want to do 

Applejack: Well, um, I'm not sure, do you have any ideas 

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