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In the great kingdom of Canterlot, a wise queen by the name of Luna ruled her kingdom with wisdom and compassion, as much as she could rule a kingdom, she had a hard time raising her six darling daughters, who were each special in their own way, Princess Fluttershy was her eldest and was a beauty, she was kind to others, but she was also shy in her demeanor and spent most of her days in the gardens playing with the animals and growing flowers, Princess Rarity was her second born and was also a great beauty, having a generous spirit to match, she was refined and proper as well as outgoing and would create fashions for herself and to impress the noble society at any important event, Princess Applejack was her next child and she was hardworking in her duties, being honest to herself and the staff, she refused to let the maids to do anything on their own and insisted on helping them, Princess Rainbow Dash was her fourth and she loved hanging out with the Wonderbolts and the royal guards as she had a sense of excitement and wanted to do something about it, she was loyal to her mother and country, Princess Pinkie Pie was her second-to-last child and she was always fun-loving, she threw the best parties in the kingdom, spreading joy and laughter to their subjects, and Princess Twilight Sparkle, her youngest and secretly her favorite daughter, was constantly by her mother's side, understanding the kingdom and the situations around her, she would spend her days in the library studying more on magic and what use it could have for the kingdom, but even when the girls had their own thing, they did just about everything else together, it made Luna feel proud that her daughters were true sisters, they would go the spa for their own personal use or go on a picnic in the countryside, as happy as she was for her sweet girls, she worried for them, all of them were now of marriageable age and would need suitors soon to pick from, but they couldn't be just any suitor, they had to be noble stallions that can care for them, with five lovely daughters, that wouldn't be so hard, she planned on keeping Twilight with her since she figured that she'd be the best choice to rule the kingdom after she would be gone, she thought how each daughter would make some prince or lord happy, Rarity would certainly be able to catch a few, a couple regents would be honored to have Rainbow and Applejack, and any noble colt would be lucky to have Fluttershy and Pinkie 

Luna: SPIKE 

Spike bobbled in and asked with a fearful look on his face 

Spike nervous: Uh, yes, Your Majesty 

She smiled genuinely at him 

Luna: Calm yourself Spike, you know I could never harm you, since you were brought to our doorsteps as an egg, I gave you to Twilight so she could help hatch you, ever since you've been employed in our services and helped Twilight with her duties, you are a noble servant and friend 

Spike bowed: Of course, anything for Twilight and the royal family 

Luna: Now I request of you to deliver this proclamation far and wide 

She unrolled the scroll and read it off to him 

Luna: Dear nobles, royals, and regents all over Equestria, I offer you a great opportunity as my six beautiful daughters, the princesses of Canterlot, are now ready to marry, I hope you will take this offer and come and win their hooves in marriage 

Spike out loud: Marriage 

She gave him a raised eyebrow 

Spike: Ah, I mean, great, really great 

He lied right through his fangs, secretly, he had a crush on Rarity while growing up in the castle and was hoping he could express his feelings to her, but if she was about to be married off to some pony else, then there would go his chances 

Luna: Yes, it would be good to see my daughters married to be well-provided for and taken care of 

She magically handed the scroll to him 

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